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Posts posted by Quinlan2020

  1. 12 minutes ago, Saucey said:

    Uh oh h. I sincerely doubt they got insurance. Who is going to write that policy?

    I hope the rinks all follow the rules. It is really, really an incredibly bad look for the sport when people are trying to get the law changed and you have a decent segment of that population demonstrating they can't follow the rules as they are. Going to get us all shut down you jag offs.

    So true. That's probably why the restaurants got dinged with the harsher restrictions a couple months ago. Most were complying, but the few rebels ruined it for everyone.



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  2. 2 hours ago, hockeyisgreat said:

    I agree we need to meet in the middle. I know we can never go back to 2019 way of life. But we can't continue at this level either. Isn't meeting in the middle what we are doing now?  Some limits need to be tweaked based on the fact that most people are adhering to the mask and social distance requirements.  I'm not saying all or nothing I'm saying reasonable measures and quit sensationalizing the pandemic for personal and political advantages.  While a lot of people are suffering economically a lot are also getting rich from all this.

    What would be a good compromise? Some states have more strict restrictions. Some have less. The only things closed now are bars. Is there something other than the 25 person limit that you feel needs to change? 

  3. 2 hours ago, hockeyisgreat said:

    So you say that you think 25 for all situations is unreasonable but you are willing to live with it. That's the difference between you and most others on here.  Seems like they are willing to at least try to get this adjusted. If you were looking at the stats as this all spiked in July and August it was mainly young people who were partying as they do. They have to learn and sometimes the hard way. But within that the hospitalizations didn't rise proportionally and reach critical phases as they did in March. PA hospitals have never been stretched to the limit. Fact is we need to learn to live with the virus. Even with a vaccine it's not going away. I think we need to quit publicizing the numbers. Will they publicize the numbers of Flu cases this fall?  What about the numbers of people who die of heart disease per day. When will the media stop sensationalizing this?

    I understand what you are saying. I don't agree that it is being sensationalized. It's a global pandemic. The US isn't the only country considering this a major crisis/catastrophe. I would hope that we would not wait until hospitals are stretched to react. There are a lot of folks that feel as you do, but telling the other people to move on and not worry just won't work. We can't change each others mind on this. Do you not think that things would get even worse if we just went back to 2019 style of living. Cases would rise dramatically. many more people would die and the economy would struggle even more. I guess you don't see it that way. We have to try and meet in the middle somewhere to get through this.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Eddie Shore said:

    Really? Must be great to be you. My life sucks because of it. Me out of work since April and my wife cut back to 15 hours a week.  My world has been shut down. I stopped posting for the last few months cause I had to cancel my internet and I am at my sisters house now looking for work.  I have to be honest, I have been able to tolerate a lot of people on this site over the years, but the past few months reading what you have posted you are one of the few that makes me sick to my stomach 

    I understand your frustration. I am not judging those that have truly suffered during this time. I hope you and your family get back on your feet. This board is about discussing the effects on hockey. It's a very minor issue compared to what you are going through. I am sorry. I have obviously offended some. It was never my intention to minimize any personal suffering.

  5. 13 minutes ago, hockeyisgreat said:

    Quinlan2020, Just one Question.   Do you think the 25 person indoor limit is OK or should it be revised upward? I'm just curious but guessing from your stance on this forum I would say you are ok with it and feel that Wolf knows best. 

    I don't know if 25 is OK or not. Those decisions aren't something I am qualified to make. I will say that it seems unreasonable to me that the number 25 is used no matter if you are in someone's house or in a 15,000 square foot building. So if they feel that 25 is adequate for a house, it should be higher for an ice arena. Green Phase was a big failure this summer and that's why these restrictions are in place. We can thank the beach goers, bar hoppers & grad parties for this situation. The people failed to use common sense when we had the opportunity. It is very reasonable to ask for more leniency with the restrictions that are applied to ice rinks. I just am not so quick to blame government for where we are at with this. I hope that the people in charge at the state & county level will give this another look now that the situation in our area has improved. I can just understand why they are hesitant considering the bad behavior of the summer. I just don't feel it is in the kids best interest to get angry about all this. It is what it is. I would be hoping for the best but willing to work within the restrictions if necessary. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, BeaverFalls said:

    True hardship?  Don’t try to lecture me on true hardship. Just because you’ve never gotten out of your bubble doesn’t mean some of us haven’t done things that would only make you piss and shit yourself in fear. I’m sorry covid is your breaking point, you weak pathetic soul. 

    I won't get into the name-calling battle here. The hardship I was speaking of was in relation to Covid. I regret if you have had hardship in your past. I was not my intention to judge the substance of your entire life. I am sorry that you are comfortable referring to me as weak and pathetic because my opinion/approach to getting to the same place we all desire is different than yours. 

  7. 24 minutes ago, BeaverFalls said:

    Your ratio of big babies to people suffering is way way off, which i would expect nothing less coming from you. 

    What was the ratio I specified?

    I know that there are too many of your type that are sweating the small stuff because you haven't had true hardship. I enjoy hearing about how to solve these hockey problems, but I have things in perspective enough to realize that there is not some conspiracy in place to oppress people involved in sports.

  8. 55 minutes ago, sadday4hockey said:

    That's exactly the point. Viruses can kill people, bacterial infections can kill people. However, we don't shut down the world during flu season, we just deal with it and that's exactly what we should be doing now with this new virus.

    My world isn't shut down. Almost everything is open. Life is just a little different now. There is really nothing that I can't do now that I could do before. It's just a matter of being a little careful for the good of all civilization. What Covid-related hardships are you having right now? The people that are out of work or have a failing business are suffering. Others are just being big babies about making some minor adjustments to their lives.

  9. 2 minutes ago, BeaverFalls said:

    How Comrade?  I’ve seen a lot of your posts and you’ve come up with very little substantive ideas as to how it will work.  Almost all of it has been ridiculing other people’s ideas, desires and frustrations with a policy developed with arbitrary numbers that won’t be shared with the public. 

    That's totally false. I contend that the majority of kids will be happy playing with restrictions (4 vs 4, 9 skaters, etc...) if we stay positive and not try to convince them that their government refuses to let them have fun. I am not saying we shouldn't strive to reach another, more fun, solution that health officials/government will permit. I am just tired of the minimizing of this crisis and whining about sacrifices. Then the political, talk radio BS gets thrown in so everyone can feast on the red meat. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Danner27 said:

    You want a fair solution, the fair play point, everyone gets a trophy and everyone is safe.

    Hey bender, get back to coaching your 10 year olds and stay out of this talk. We all know your thoughts by now, nobody cares about your opinions, the focus has been facts.  You are just clogging up the productive talk. 

    I guess I'm just peeing in your kool-aid. Don't worry most of your friends here will still drink it. You know that all my points are valid and represent the majority of US citizens. That's why my presence bothers you.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, aaaahockey said:

    Kinda like whining about your fears on a message board aren't going to make us change our mind about playing hockey?  

    I don't whine about any fears. I just make the case that you're simplified view of the situation is not reality. Everyone has different levels of fear and the decisions were talking about affect the masses. People need to work toward a solution for a problem that hasn't been seen by any living generations.

  12. 24 minutes ago, hockeyisgreat said:

    Hopefully the Wolf bashing will get people to realize that he has been the worst Governor this state has ever had. I sure didn't vote for him!  My biggest complaint is that he doesn't even try to explain the rationale for what he does.

    It's not going to change anyone's mind about Wolf. Politics have become cult-like. People swear unconditional loyalty. I just don't get it but it seems to be that way more & more.

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  13. 10 minutes ago, aaaahockey said:

    I'm sure one of the Wolf apologists on here can tell us why science proves that is a good idea but I'm with you. 

    The Wolf bashing is red meat for this forum but it won't actually get anything done. I want a fair solution to this. People like you that get out there with the King Wolf/dictator stuff will only hurt the cause. It just creates more division and makes you sound like a big baby.

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  14. People at this meeting at Center Ice Arena, will be basically asking for the speed limit (max indoor gathering capacity) to be raised. I personally think that is a reasonable request considering the square footage of an ice arena. I do not think a hockey game in a big building is in the same category as an indoor social gathering. 

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  15. 12 minutes ago, Scooby Doo said:


    Police routinely do speed monitoring on 22 all the way from Murrysville to Delmont.  Many people have got tickets in that stretch.

    We should be allowed to speed if we choose. It's a choice that me and my family should be able to make. If you're afraid of speeders, then stay home.

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  16. 6 minutes ago, Scooby Doo said:

    @Quinlan2020 my son who’s in his last year of eligibility wants to play very badly, as he wants to build his resume to get on a good acha team next fall.  So it is very important to him.

    He’s also practical in that if hockey is cancelled  till 1/1, he’s going to work, play roller and dek hockey and do college courses. He will find other things to occupy his time.

    However he’d much rather be playing with his hockey buddies that he’s known for years.

    Cancelling hockey will hurt these aspiring college players, everyday kids who just enjoy the sport, Coaches and volunteers like me who enjoy getting out of the house and helping, and really hurt the rink owners.


    I understand. I'm really torn about it all, but sometimes I get the impression that everyone expects everyone else to make the sacrifices. It's just a big complicated mess and a lot of people want someone else to clean it up while they continue to party. I hope your son gets to play a full season this year. My opinions are different than yours, but ultimately, I want the kids to play just like you. I'm just not as sure the restrictions in place are a bad idea. They might be overkill. I always error on the side lower risk when it's something I really don't know much about.

  17. 27 minutes ago, Danner27 said:

    You are so damn delusional, you coach 10 year olds. Coach 15-19 year olds that take the game serious, may have some dreams, Working hard for any form of college hockey or just simply love the game. Go talk to those kids and see how they feel mentally. 

    Dreams? OK. What percent are going to realize those dreams that their parents put in their head? They will have fun if we let them. Or you can keep telling them that the government is out to spoil their life. Take them down to an empty parking lot and play roller hockey for a couple months if you have to. I have coached all ages and notice that the ones having the most fun are the ones that have their parents there supporting them but not pushing them toward any dreams. The kids that are good enough won't let this beat them down. They will overcome this perceived incredible hardship. I hope we get to play. We'll be better off if the complainer parents decide to quit. I just feel bad for the kids that will get brainwashed into thinking that they are too good to have fun with the others.

  18. 13 minutes ago, nemesis8679 said:

    You're absolutely right about financial ruin that some will suffer. But ideally, that's why we HAVE a government, to take care of citizens that are up against it in situations like this. It's too bad that government is seemingly not able or- more likely, not interested in-meaningfully doing their job. 

    That's why people should be angry, not because there's a pandemic out of your control that required shut-downs. 

    I agree. It's sad what's happening to many businesses. These restrictions are a lot like chemotherapy. The chemo kills the good stuff in your body along with the bad. Sometimes the patient dies as a result. But you will surely die if you don't take it. We'll never really know if the cure was worse than the disease. None of us will be ever be able to look back and say "I told you so".

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  19. 36 minutes ago, Hky05 said:

    Senator Kim Ward and Representative Eric Nelson will be at Center Ice in Delmont Wednesday evening to answer any questions 

    I suspect that they will tell you what you want to hear but do state reps/senators actually do anything except try to become US reps/senators?

    Although I think changing/shutting down hockey's effect on the kids will not have long-term effects. Having the rinks go bankrupt will. We need every sheet of ice in the area to stay viable or we'll be practicing at Midnight an hour away like when I was a kid. Hopefully someone can be loud enough to get some grants sent to these private rinks that have small margins as it is.

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  20. 1 minute ago, hockeyisgreat said:

    If there are so many of us that feel this way why are we letting the politicians tell us how to live our lives?  So many people in financial ruin because of government mandates. I think it's much worse than the disease.  Many people will never recover from the economic destruction. History will show that the cure was worse than the disease.


    I actually think you could be right. The problem is that many people are afraid and you just can't tell people not be be afraid. Some people are afraid of dogs, heights, or whatever. What are you supposed to do. With so many people afraid, the life we knew will never come back. Financial ruins will occur with or without restrictions. I'm more afraid of large outbreaks that leads to more restrictions than actually getting the disease. Our only chance is to get case counts & death counts down to a point where not as many people are afraid. Otherwise, we will continue to trudge through this state of suck. Unless you feel that lifting all restriction will have no effect on the spread? If you feel that way then I just disagree. Now if I was sure that lifting restrictions would coincide with people using common sense, then I would say go for it. I just don't think common sense is all that common.

  21. 40 minutes ago, BLC said:

    people also die from the flu..

    we are all going to die from something, do you not drive a car because people die in automobile accidents? Everyone needs to just live their lives, wash your hands and if your sick stay home and life will go on. How is anyone even trusting results of testing anyway? With all the false positives and people being diagnosed as dying of Covid that were never actually tested in the first place. 

    Good point about the automobile accidents. They are just as contagious. I stay away from anyone that has recently been involved in one. Way to soak up the BS about the false positives and lies about causes of deaths. The conspiracy theorists love you.

  22. 2 minutes ago, hockeyisgreat said:

    You shouldn't struggle!  Thank our wonderful Governor Wolf and Health Secretary Levine. It's all them!  Wolf has nothing to lose. He is a lame duck governor. Can't run again.

    So you're saying it's not political because he's a lame duck?

    Then he just imposed these restrictions because he's trying to make us as miserable and angry as he can?

  23. 6 minutes ago, Scooby Doo said:

    Let's hear your predictions on what will happen to Western PA hockey if the PAHL does either if it's dumb proposed moves.

    1) teams will play outside the PAHL, either locally or in WV or OH.  I am highly interested in going this route.  More on this later after the PAHL decision.

    2) if cancelling till 1/1/21, kids will quit because they don't want to wait.  Some kids will go to teams that opt to play outside the PAHL and do an independent schedule.  Some will quit and play video games, work or play another sport.  Some will quit entirely.  My prediction is a significant #of players won't wait around till 1/1/21.

    3) if going to 9 at a time on each side.  Player losses as well here, not sure to the extend but I can see players leaving PAHL teams for other local teams who opt to play outside the PAHL.

    My guess is that Darcee and the rest of the PAHL board are way underestimating the effect that changing off of regular hockey will have on rosters across the PAHL.



    I hear a lot of "kids will go" & "players leaving" talk. You should swap the words "kids" & "players" with "parents". Kids will be fine with any option unless the parents tell them that they shouldn't be. When push comes to shove, most of the parents won't go anywhere anyway. How many people do you think will actually opt to drive an hour or more 3 - 4 times a week over "suffering" through this for what might only be a few weeks or months? It could go on longer and then we can talk about those out-of-area options that may or not have spots/ice time available anyway.

  24. 8 minutes ago, Danner27 said:

    ALL, here is the best thing you can do if you want to see your kids play hockey this year. This is coming straight from a USA Hockey friend - 

    tell folks in PA to contact their local officials, State Representatives, and / or Senators to help raise the gathering limit for indoor sports to 50. There is nothing magical about 1/1/21, that date is nothing more than a place holder by the PA Governor following political party lines. PIAA did get some help from PA state politicians to get football going. 


    It's not unreasonable to ask for that considering the summer surge in cases seems to have peaked and now on a downward trend. I bet the health department holds off on that until October, so they can see the effect of school openings. 

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