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Quinlan2020 last won the day on August 21 2020

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  1. I hear what you are saying, but those infections didn't originate in those nursing homes. The more community spread that we have, the more it will get into those places unless we can have everyone that goes in there tested every day. So far we don't have that kind of testing in place unless you are a pro athlete or work at the White House.
  2. I was at RMU recently and it was kinda the same except only one parent was allowed. There were a couple exceptions of poor behavior. Two dads were standing by the glass talking in close proximity and violating the social distancing signs. I also saw a couple mask violations by adults in the lobby. Most of the people were doing great and sticking to the rules, but I fear that these few outliers will give pause to rink officials when considering how many people to allow inside.
  3. I am not claiming to know the number of lives saved. I really don't know. I don't know a lot about public health or epidemiology. I also don't know enough to claim that the decisions to implement safety measures/restrictions for Covid-19 mitigation are motivated by the desire to oppress the public and take away our rights. Some seem sure of that. It does make sense that the more community spread that there is, the higher the risk of it getting into nursing homes. Those ~300 deaths that were mentioned did not originate in the nursing home. They likely started from someone that contracted the disease and may have not even known they had it. That source may not have even showed up in the case count as they were never tested. They just passed it on and it was never traced to any place or activity. I'm not exactly sure what to do about that. Nobody really is. The people making decisions don't know but they are tasked with trying. The simple solution is to do nothing as some seem to suggest. Is it that simple?
  4. Were any lives outside of nursing homes saved due to restrictions? I won't ask the same question pertaining to nursing homes since your post seems to imply that those lives are not as valuable.
  5. I just dispute the part about the science behind masks being intensely debated. It seems that any science-related person debating it is a member of a small minority. I hear your concern about that slippery slope involving our rights. It is a valid concern as you look around the world and see how fragile democracy can be. To me, it's one of those candidates for risk-reward reward analysis. I know that we'll never agree on the risk/reward ratio, but that's where I'm coming from. It seems like things such as the Defense Production Act and the registering for the selective service are an infringement as well. We never seem to question those. I think these restrictions do seem pretty arbitrary, but I don't find myself qualified to come up with a good plan. People were put in positions to make these decisions and I try to respect them. I understand the dissent, but it doesn't seem like a total hardship to put up with these rules a little bit longer. I think the kids will be fine whether we play 5 on 5 or whatever. I hope the restrictions change soon but I will tolerate summer hockey in the fall by convincing myself that it just may be for the greater good.
  6. Your point about unconstitutional & effectiveness is recognized. This has been an incredibly unique crisis where I am going to give some slack any decision that is in the interest of saving lives. This has been a war that the federal government hasn't been too interested in fighting, so the states had to do what they could to fill the void. It's hard to believe that we were willing to send our young people off to die in foreign wars but we can't accept any inconveniences to fight this one on our own land. It is obvious that the death rate has decreased a lot from where it was back in April. My own doctor just recently told me how this last 6 months they have gained more knowledge relating to treatment techniques and that they are having better outcomes. Mask wearing has definitely increased since March. It's up to about 60%. That's still not good enough, but it's better than it was. Being told not to wear masks was a mistake, but that's pretty far in the past now. People keep forgetting that I am on the same side and want hockey/sports to resume in full as quickly as possible. I just think the quickest path to that is a bit different.
  7. The closures in the Spring were justified. It saved us from having more catastrophic results. We all saw what happened in Bergamo, Italy & Madrid, Spain. The fools that deem them unconstitutional do not acknowledge that. That being said, It is not practical to go back to such measures. It's obvious that the medical advances have made Covid-19 more tolerable and more people are masking now. The economy is already open despite what some say. Yes, there still restrictions, but they are much more relaxed now and enforcement hasn't been very aggressive. A lot of people want them all to go away like someone turning a switch. The phased approach is much more practical, so that the effects can be seen before progressing to the next step. We just started opening schools/colleges, indoor dining and high school sports are kicking into full swing. There are even some fans allowed at events now. I anticipate more restrictions being lifted if things don't go sour. Have a little patience. I think will get to the place we all want to be a lot quicker if we just do things methodically.
  8. It is bullshit for most of us. There would be those that can't help themselves and violate ant social distancing measures. They would be the ones to ruin it for everyone else. Those people are the ones that the restrictions are in place for.
  9. I get what you are saying and even though a lot of us don't agree on what should be done about all this, it seems logical to agree that this is too complicated for one to claim that they could do so much better in solving these problems. A lot of these government decisions do seem arbitrary on the surface. I would like to think that (right or wrong) a lot of thought and science went into them. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be constantly revisited and scrutinized. Hopefully, they are constantly looking to adapt based on the new data.
  10. The color phased reopening was misguided. Too many interpreted it as green means go, period. Society & leadership are both to blame.
  11. But the "green phase" was an attempt to ease back into normalcy. People perceived it as an opportunity to go and have all the fun they want as if the virus was gone. That is why we are where we are.
  12. And hospital capacity did not get overloaded so, perhaps, they worked.
  13. Many governors have imposed similar restrictions & closures. Some just waited until the cases & deaths were high enough so they could say it was more justified. There is no way to know for sure when the right time is to impose such restrictions, but by saying they are unlawful, you are basically accusing every governor of a crime.
  14. You might want to mention who appointed this judge. We can then all decide if this is purely political. I have heard many on here cry politics when it comes other decisions. What about this? Or is the political part one-sided?
  15. Thanks. I found that meme. It's incredibly offensive, as I figured, since it's one thing to get fired but being banned from the entire premises is quite a step further.
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