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  1. Today
  2. I think at this point no one takes this seriously. It's just overpriced summer hockey.
  3. You're about 2 decades late, maybe 25 years.
  4. Yesterday
  5. So, I came here thinking/hoping that there would be some chatter and/or information about this year’s event and tournament. I remember it kinda being a big deal of an event several years ago; but not sure how it is now. Does anyone have any suggestions, as to any links, maybe streaming/broadcast, or useful info? I think that I found some older stuff but the pages need updated as it still includes their tryout schedules. My brief investigation turned up no dice. At least not any topics on the games that jump out at me I am curious to see how the hockey things stack up and shake down from across the commonwealth.
  6. Last week
  7. It would be great if the Vengeance started throwing toy rats on the ice after a victory.
  8. Yeah, this is true. When I was a kid the only options in the South Hills were Mount Lebanon (and let's remember that ice was so rare in the area that the Penguins practiced there back in the day), Rostraver, and South Park when it was cold enough. I guess you could include that old rink on the South Side, too. We have it much better now.
  9. Great. Another streaming service to add on to the ever increasing number of apps and viewing platforms that I already pay out the nose for. What’s one more little, tiny, minuscule, hardly noticeable automatic recurring charge gonna do? BB is quickly moving down my personal scale of organizations who negatively impact my finances and lifestyle unnecessarily.
  10. I don't think it's asking all that much for them to take care of their rodent problem. Especially when they are charging around 500 an hour for ice.
  11. For all those people that complain about any rink, if there is playable ice, keep quiet. There was a time when there were very few rinks around, and all the kids that play now wouldn’t have had the chance to play without all the rinks we have now. Ice is ice. It gives kids a chance to play. If a rink is too dirty or not nice enough for you, go play golf.
  12. It's true that Alpha is a mess, but, man, there aren't many "nicer" rinks in the area, to be honest. Especially nicer rinks with three sheets of ice. The truth is that really decent facilities are rare in the region, sadly.
  13. Lucky if there are 12 AAA players per birth year in the Pittsburgh Area
  14. According to parents, there's like a dozen teams' worth of AAA players.
  15. There are schools that have been on the waiting list for over five years wanting to enter the St. Margaret's tournament. Any word of expanding the field of teams to include more schools?
  16. Well, yeah. We don't have 6 teams worth of AAA players here
  17. And I believe this year if you switch rosters in December you will not be eligible for pahl playoffs
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