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Posts posted by Quinlan2020a

  1. 3 minutes ago, fafa fohi said:

    Next time, pull your head out and read the actual article and since you clearly didn't, there were multiple sources and studies cited while one of them is Dr. Brix, who happens to serve on 45's COVID Task Force.  Or is she a partisan Democrat hack in disguise?   And a simple Google search would lead you to dozens of studies, pretty graphs and articles supporting this conclusion.

    And since you didn't bother to read the article - "study published October 23 in Nature Medicine by IHME’s forecasting team modeled current public health interventions — projecting case numbers based on current behavior — and found that universal mask use could save as many as 130,000 lives by the end of February 2021."

    Lastly, laziness just makes you look ignorant and stupid.  And if you need help with some of the big words while reading, you let me know.




    Realize what you're dealing with here. They would believe water was dry if their cult leader told them.

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  2. There is no point in trying to prove what is fact to those that choose live in the alternate reality. Too many people simply get there news from places that gone over the edge of crazy. The political figures that they worship reinforce these beliefs under the disguise that they are their liberators. They are simply cult leaders and enablers that believe it is in their self-interest to deceive the weak-minded. History will not be kind to them in the long run. I had a couple hockey parents tell me that this Covid hysteria would be over on November 4th. I probably could never prove to them that Covid is still here even if I took them on a tour through the stretched & overrun hospitals in the mid-west, Thank goodness they are still thoroughly outnumbered by the people that have the ability to understand logic & facts, 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, hockeyisgreat said:

    This is "horrible" for all of us!  I don't totally understand the dramatic increase in cases!  I personally think it had a lot to do with the election.  People celebrating and protesting the election. I'm ready for the vaccine.  I will be at the front of the line "hopefully" to get it done.  So far the health system in Western Pa is not getting overwhelmed and the kids I know who have or had it only had mild symptoms.  Less severe than the flu. They feel relived that they had it and are over it.  I have watched a lot of games on Live Barn this fall and will continue.  Unfortunately crowds are making me nervous and some of those ADM games are packed.  6 teams playing cross ice have a lot of people in the stands.

    I think we can thank some Halloween parties for this as well. Yes, those mass gatherings you mentioned didn't do us any favors either, Rallies, protests & celebrations all reflect the selfish side of humanity. Even the health officials say that structured events seem to be the least of our problems. I'm not totally comfortable with any kids getting it. They not only spread it but it is not known how the body reacts in the long term. But yes... Thank God it appears to be a mild illness for kids. I am fairly comfortable with the safety of the on-ice participation, but the benches and locker rooms seem like a place where masks should be worn. No way to safely put on/remove masks between shifts so this seems to make sense since the community spread is so high now.

  4. 34 minutes ago, nemesis8679 said:

    While not ideal, I have to say that "killing one of these kids" because of wearing a mask is a bit hyperbolic. Teams have been doing it for months already. 

    Yes. It's very dramatic to say such a thing. I have done hard sweaty work in an N95 mask and it sucks but it's tolerable. The blue surgical masks are much less restrictive. I see that some schools are shutting down their sports now as they move to remote learning. Hockey is still alive for now. I wonder how much longer as just about every county is now in the substantial spread category.

  5. 33 minutes ago, sarampage said:

    Wish I was.  Their initial interpretation of the new mandate is that everyone in the building must wear a mask on and off the ice regardless of their activity..  Will be interesting to see what other rinks do and what PIHL/PAHL have to say.

    Oh yes it is true.


    Further clarification from the state Dept. of Health:

    Does the Order apply to athletes and sports activities?
    Yes. Everyone who participates in sport activities including coaches, athletes (including cheerleaders), and spectators must wear a face covering, such as a mask, unless they fall under an exception in Section 3 of the Order.



  6. 3 minutes ago, Hockey00 said:

    Michigan is now shut down for hockey.  Were they supposed to have nation’s cup there?

    It's supposed to last for three weeks, but I think we can all assume that it will be longer. Hospital execs in Michigan are sounding alarms due to the number of patients overwhelming staffing capacity. We should be thankful that we live in an area with abundant medical resources. We'll probably start seeing some of this in other places that are not as well equipped.

  7. Telling people how Covid-19 is such a weak, wimpy virus will surely help the grieving families of our quarter of a million people that have died as a result of contracting it. It surely won't help prevent more infections & more deaths. History will not be kind to those that have downplayed the severity.  

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  8. 44 minutes ago, nemesis8679 said:

    It's about viral load, there's really not a lot of opportunity to spread it on the ice. Now benches, locker rooms, car ride, totally different story. 

    That seems to make sense and applies to most activities that don't involve sitting around and breathing stale air. I wish they would investigate and provide information pertaining to those other things that often surround the game. Otherwise, many will equate playing with risky behavior. We'll really never know for sure if playing hockey can spread this unless we get data on teams that just play hockey without all the other stuff.

  9. There have been multiple incidents of outbreaks on youth hockey teams around the country. It's impossible to be sure if it is related to the actual game or the activities that surround it because people are not always adhering to safety protocols that are suggested. Yale Hockey is now shut down after 18 players tested positive.

    CDC (not me) concludes:

    Ice hockey involves vigorous physical exertion with heavy respiration during the game and frequent contact between the players, the researchers noted in the report.
    "The ice rink provides a venue that is likely well suited to COVID-19 transmission as an indoor environment where deep breathing occurs, and persons are in close proximity to one another," it said.
    "The indoor space and close contact between players during a hockey game increase infection risk for players and create potential for a superspreader event, especially with ongoing community COVID-19 transmission," the study concluded.
    "The ice rink provides a venue that is likely well suited to COVID-19 transmission as an indoor environment where deep breathing occurs, and persons are in close proximity to one another," they said.

  10. 10 minutes ago, nemesis8679 said:

    Again, I'd like to see proof it's from being on the ice, playing the sport. As opposed to locker rooms, sleepovers, and the other mosty avoidable things that go along with the game. 

    I suspect as you do, but I have a feeling that the burden of proof will be on hockey organizations if outbreaks become more frequent. I just wish people would stay away from the locker rooms & other stuff and just play the game and try to make it work. Take your kid to the rink, dress in parking lot or hallway & get on the ice, Parents should go directly to a secluded spot in bleachers to watch and cut the socializing. And yes.. Wear your mask and wear it correctly. I bet there wouldn't be any problems, but getting people to do these simple things is just so hard.

  11. 2 hours ago, carroll81 said:


    They shut it down for 2 weeks to stop any other potential spread.  14 days is the current thought on how long someone with it could shed disease.  

    I agree that it is mostly a locker room issue, as occurred in this one:



    I don't know but this just came out. 

    Indoor sports like ice hockey are high-risk activities for the spread of COVID-19, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    The conclusions about such sports were contained in a section of the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report posted online Thursday.


  12. 26 minutes ago, Saucey said:

    My worry is with being in hotels over being in a rink for a short time frame Enclosed space, probably not great circulation, lots of people. And hotels struggle to control bed bugs. Thoughts on that?

    Not sure about how bed bugs figures in anymore now than ever? Most things can be done pretty safely with the common sense masking & social distancing. Unfortunately, we don't have enough buy in on those things. People still must gather & socialize. Common sense isn't so common these days, so there is more risk than there needs to be. I don't se a lot of risk with families going to a hotel room and sticking together. Having team pizza parties, drinking and letting the kids run around unsupervised would be what causes the real problems.  

  13. 2 hours ago, aaaahockey said:

    While sports was specifically mentioned in the briefing yesterday the health department is starting to say what I have been telling yinz for a long time - the spread isn't from practice or games but from things like carpooling and sleepovers: https://triblive.com/local/allegheny-county-officials-attribute-slowed-covid-rise-to-mask-cooperation/


    This is probably good news for sports.  Quote: 

    Bogen said the cases in schools are often spread through sports teams or other extracurricular activities, and often when the students interact outside of their practice or activity.

    “It appears more likely that the virus is spreading more at team dinners, at sleepovers, at playdates and at parties,” she said.

    I'm not exactly sure it's good news. I have witnessed the bad behavior that is being referred to and don't expect it to stop. People aren't satisfied with just playing. They must socialize around the activity. Those same people will be the biggest complainers when it comes to restrictions.

  14. 2 hours ago, Hockey00 said:

    Makes no sense.  South Dakota and Nebraska are on the list. Their percentage is way lower than NY, NJ, and PA.  Technically our 3 Democratic Governor states really should be on the Quarantine list. But it seems as if when you have a Republican Governor, you are on the list.  

    Where did you get such figures on SD & Nebraska? Both those states are way higher. SD is over 20%. I guarantee there is research going into those decisions. NY is slight above 1% & NJ is just below 3%. You really think they are thinking about republican governors? Ridiculous. The post from Hockey00 that you responded to was critical of the decisions. Hockey00 may or may not be justified. I haven't looked at all those states yet. You are just spreading propaganda.

  15. 13 minutes ago, hockeyisgreat said:

    You need to look at again! The Ref did not put a hand on him. He was signaling to the guy that he was ejected.  Swatted? Looks more like a punch to me. Ref grabbed his stick because he lost his balance trying to avoid the SWAT. You want the ref to skate away? I bet the guy would have gone after him.  Funny how 2 people can watch the same thing and see it so totally different.

    It looked like the ref touched him, but I can't be sure. I think the ref should have skated away after the initial contact and ejected him. The player's behavior was ridiculous but I doubt it would have come to blows if the ref would have just went directly to the scorers booth. I don't think we saw it "totally" different. We both agree that a crime was committed, we just slightly disagree on the magnitude of the violence that occurred.

  16. I didn't see anything that would be considered a punch. It looked like he reacted to the ref being assertive to the point of putting his hand on him. He then swatted at the ref and the ref grabbed his stick and pulled him down. It was very bad behavior by the player, but the ref could have done a much better job at deescalating.

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