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i am score

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Everything posted by i am score

  1. They just did a feature on the “staff” on FB… Ben Cunningham’s girlfriend Bri makes all of the good social media content for FB and Instagram. If none of the players are getting paid I doubt she’s getting anything.
  2. Yes and they’re blowing every team out of the water! Last home games they scored 16 goals each game and only let up 5 & 4. Sunday game they barely put their good guys out and still scored that many. Very fun to watch and a decent amount of fights. Saturday night games draw a big crowd, don’t know about Sundays yet.
  3. Tristan Wenzig is the Head Coach. There are assistants but I can’t remember their names! They play tonight at 8:00 PM vs Buffalo again at Brady’s Run 😁
  4. Again, I am a current local college player. Thanks for the non-relevant book you wrote about someone else and his kid! It’s really not that deep, man. I was just trying to say Kelly is hurting this team and it’s becoming more evident as time passes. I feel for these guys. Just my opinion on a public message board. Glad to see someone cares about what I have to say though! I especially feel bad for the kid who just turned 18 like less than a month ago that you’re absolutely tearing apart on the internet when I know you have no reason to care about his hockey journey. It’s really just pathetic. But I’ve been reading around on here last night and I can tell you hate hockey and everything about it, and you spend a hell of a lot of time on here even though your kids are not involved anymore. Impossible to have a conversation with someone like you, sir. My response to you last night calling out how you’re talking about other people around my age obviously did nothing and you trashed this kid’s name even more in the post after that. I feel bad that you’re so hyper fixated on bashing his hockey career when it has nothing to do with you and I’m sure you don’t know the half of it. Have a good night man.
  5. That’s all I came on here to say and Danner is already at my throat 😂 Again, I am no parent, I am a local (current) college player who has been following the River Monsters. I feel for the young players who just wanted to stay close to home and this is the option they chose for the time being, and they’re being attacked for it on here. I’ve been in that boat before too where I had to take one option because there wasn’t really much to choose from. It just makes me upset for them. This is who they’re stuck dealing with, a criminal.
  6. Yeah I was actually born between those years! You just look pathetic name dropping people’s kids on here. You claim you’re not coming after the kids but they’re the ones suffering when you’re putting their names on here and listing what they “couldn’t do” and why they’ve “ended up” on what you’ve decided was a bad place to play. I’m sure other factors have played into why they’re on the team right now. Again, you have no idea what’s going on in their lives or why they chose to play there. I am a hockey player who is still currently playing myself and I also know a lot of people. Does that make your opinion more valid? No. You seem like a washed up hockey parent who’s WAY too involved in something that has absolutely nothing to do with them. My parents are probably around your age. If they were saying stuff like this about other people my age, I’d be upset with them.
  7. I actually have no kids or anybody related to me on the team and joined this as an outsider with some opinions. I don't understand why an adult would be so upset over "kids" playing on any team, I mean who are you to know what's going on with any of the players on that team. The fact that you're on here coming after the same kid multiple times, like come on man. Are you really helping anything? Does anyone actually care what you have to say? NO! They're playing hockey. Who cares. The guys (and "kids") just want to play hockey. Why don't you get out there 😭
  8. Jaison Kelly is a joke of an owner. He has these guys forking out $25 a practice and they're paying to get on the ice for games as well. Literally no hockey knowledge whatsoever, and it's become extremely evident as things have went on. This team actually has a lot of skilled guys who are working hard to play and make this fun for the fans, but Jaison is going to be the reason they have problems. As a caring fan, everyone should know what's really going on here. I have nothing but bad things to say about the guy, and this post is me being nice about it! He's a raging narcissist.
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