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Everything posted by Ihearthockey

  1. Armstrong 483 (team 2) over Cambria 430 (team 3) 3 to 0.
  2. First official PW placement game in the books. North Pittsburgh 457 (team 2) over South Hills 325 (team 2, 08 BY?) 4-1
  3. Looks like Foxes team 3 (I believe is mix team 1) lost to Youngstown team A 4-1 over the weekend according to myhockeyrankings.com I also believe that North Pit team 5 beat BV team 3 by alot, something like 16-0 It's early, but just want to report what I've heard
  4. Steel City had 2 12U teams in AA last year I believe. Not sure if that happens again this year or if another team has a shot to do it. I don't think the second SC team did very well though.
  5. 14U https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRy72oUZqwCiJ7sW82K3IwCSpebQP9dEldHflaksqpGK-eK6s2yXBSFYse3p5I2P_jjEziGuOGP5YRI/pubhtml 16U https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSm4YjmqoZgrFBHY1bDm-pJcj3w652CaMHA9cep55S3wW-D2cDRPvd1-WKTt9ZMafEBkm3gSWcNePtZ/pubhtml 18U https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSqnaNSkI2rw47z1YLWzaZGODC0FmHdzww3bjp_Ew-raa5Y6K2dyHfztPalPiHfJiTehMUO5Mmi_Jg5/pubhtml
  6. 12U https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRA7Hof-jgCep4BqRJQW1kOjBkz0moGI3OCzcKYBRek5Lg9S6yj0bZGQBQ_n9KLpgOI7TK-vANBJWkp/pubhtml
  7. Do you see it happening even more often this year given some of the exodus to PAHL teams (SCIR, Preds, NP)? Or will they not even bother to play against PAHL?
  8. We all know how the WPA hockey truths, rumors and opinions circulate like wildfire. What are some thoughts on teams that will take division titles this year based on player movements (whether through attrition or addition).
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