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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. The way you all melt down anytime it seems like Montour may be making an argument against the hollow accusations out there… so telling. None of you know the facts. You don’t even know if it was cheating. You’re just some weirdo who gets off on controversy and found good company on this board. Most of what is posted here is hearsay. As far as I know, not a single person directly involved has posted here, or has posted any facts about their position. The good news is, you’re here projecting your personality disorders on this board. Likely having been weeded out of the hockey community so you aren’t able to do anything but bitch on a message board. Thus ensuring the wellbeing of others. smd
  2. Butz & Smith said let’s run it back… Injucntion incoming!
  3. The fact that some here are so hellbent on this not working out for Montour just shows how personal it is. Montour could cure cancer at this point, and a select group would be out for blood. Thanks for making this an outlet for your weird infatuation. Seeing how it has triggered some of the local goofball board regulars… I hope Montour finds their way back in to the postseason and I get to enjoy all the salty tears. No more queefs though. If a woman walks up to me and try to shoot some clam gas at me I’ll beat the bitch up. - Coach Flavs
  4. Let me frame it for you this way… what is going to prevent this from happening again? What can PIHL mandate, under their umbrella, to avoid this issue moving forward? You’re the one who’s being obtuse. Answer my question.
  5. I go take out a 500k loan, the bank gives it to me and I spend all 500k of it. Later on they find a discrepancy in my paperwork or that my credit is shit… they can’t take back their initial decision because they f*cked up. That loan is good to go. Once they realize the error, they can refuse me another loan. Just like PIHL can refuse to let the goalie participate. Can’t go back and take the past from Montour because PIHL failed to do their checks and balances. Bank has no way of proving my intent - I asked for a loan - they game me one. Montour asked for a kid to play, they let him. - Flavi Esquire
  6. Pucks11 is invested - he was at the meeting and if that’s all they have on Montour, then MT is about to clean house with these people. “THey DiDnT fiLe tHe CorReCt paPeR wOrK jUdge”… So why didn’t you tell them that in the first place. LOL - Judge Flavio
  7. Lol… there you have it folks. Same type with a stop watch in the stands and a spreadsheet with every player and their personal info on it
  8. Sounds like former commish said yeah and someone after said no. Not how it works PIHL! Judge Mathis bout to straighten that ass out!
  9. Maybe. But atleast I’m not curtain jerking outside of PIHL court. With my ear pressed to the door.
  11. No chance PIHL wasn’t aware of this kids situation and if they weren’t - their checks and balances are a joke. I practically have to give a DNA test to sign my kid up for pre-school soccer at the YMCA…. Give us a break. ZERO chance this kid slid by on the “wrong paperwork”. Like it was some 3 line form to fill out. Go to bed.
  12. Explain how they filed the wrong paper work. The address he listed was clearly the billet address if they found that it was the same as his billet family, where is the lie? Sounds like at worst, Montour filled out papers and someone on PiHLS end didn’t do their due dilligence. No one is buying the “second look over” thing either. Drop that asap. Original poster even listed the the organizations that were “after them”.
  13. Oh I bet lol They went over everything again, likely excuse. Seems more and more like you may be one of the strongest opponents of Montour. So your credibility is shrinking by the minute.
  14. How the f**k do you lie on paperwork and it doesn’t get caught. Did the kid change his last name to the billets? Did they not find a conflict with the address he provided? Did they make up an address? Did they not get signatures from his parents who don’t live in Montour? No proof of residence? Birth Certificate? What kind of half ass verification process is going on with PIHL that they miss all that? You’re acting like somebody scribbled his name down on a piece of paper and wrote “Montour resident” next to it and turned it in. There are checks and balances that this kid clearly passed. And until you state your affiliation to this situation - don’t come on here speaking in absolutes. For all we know you’re some goober dad hanging around outside the meeting room - because we know a handful of you here would be “those guys”. - Big Flavi
  15. Again, the judge is going to look at this and ask why the kid was able to play 10 games without anyone noticing / now it’s an issue. What procedures are in place to ensure these rules are followed? Why did they fail? The asinine part is that PIHL will probably come away with this by having a rep at each game to verify players. But maybe they should be required to do that if they indeed are telling players they can play, then recanting later on.
  16. The judge is going to look at this and ask why the kid was on the ice for 10 games and there was no problem. That’s just as much of an issue for PIHL as Montour having an issue with possibly not having anything in writing. If these rules are so important, why didn’t PIHL act to make sure they were being followed? How did the kid play 10 games or whatever. Remember, judge likely isn’t look at it through a hockey lense. Won’t necessarily be forgiving to the fact that the kid was allowed to step foot on the ice and play sanctioned games - and no one stopped him. IF these rules are so important. Why isn’t there measures in place to prevent something like this happening? How did a kid play a whole season and it wasn’t an issue?
  17. Choosing to delay anything at this point would look horrible. They aren’t stupid. They will proceed with matters until when/if they are legally required to address this issue. Right now, they are moving forward. It’s not news and it’s not high confidence lol
  18. The posturing here is always off the charts. PIHL puts out a statement and doesn’t put the world on hold because papers were filed lol SHOW OF CONFIDENCE!
  19. Peter has some insightful things to say. Especially about the ppe and AAA. Speaking of which, they must be loving this Montour epic. Quite the convenient distraction from the turmoil going on there currently. They’re probably funding Butz & Smith! - Coach Flavi
  20. This is how this plays out every day on this board lol Person A: I disagree with you Person B: wE kNOw YoUr’E a PaReNt Of ThE TeAM!!1!!1
  21. Has it ever occurred to anyone here that people can discuss a topic without being directly involved. Just last week I was an Esmark parent who lived in Greensburg. Whatever the case, you sound scared. What’s your stake in this?
  22. How can you say what the evidence is? Do you know what they have. If they have documents from PIHL stating the goalie can play, look out. We both know that group isn’t attaching their name to something this unorthodox if they don’t feel it has strong legs. They will get a prelim soon and theoretically it could be addressed in it’s entirety soon.
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