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Everything posted by ctil20

  1. And what is the jungle? No junior league, or any other relevant league that I know of is referred to as the jungle.
  2. If you don’t have kids why do you care? You are intent on hijacking conversations and making sure everyone is giving you attention, yes? So have at it. No one here needs to exchange names, or personal information. What basic qualifications do you meet, in regards to youth hockey, that everyone here should entertain your attention seeking, plant based opinion(s)?
  3. Again, if I had to pick one rink, and one demographic of parents (south hills; area not program) that was going to draw everyone’s COVID attention to youth hockey... I would have been right.
  4. I don’t know that I’ve seen someone give up so easily. I wonder what that guys deal was? Thinking maybe he had some kind of resume in hockey that would validate his statements. Very odd.
  5. Where did you go? Asked for some qualifications and you melt and click your heels in the other direction? Thought you were laying claim to the board? Can’t handle a simple request for current qualifications in hockey? Not asking for your social security number. Awfully sensitive after showing all that bravado. next.
  6. Again, you don’t have to dig deep to find me straight up insulting Danner. Don’t duck the question... Or we’re all just going to ignore you and you will have to find a new medium to fill that void. You get what I’m saying. Answer the question(s).
  7. Additionally, you don’t have to dig too deep to find my disputes with Danner... though I do think he’s actually a pretty reasonable participant here. Back to your resume or qualifications in regards to hockey? What have you done? What are you currently doing? Why are you here if you don’t have children?
  8. So you don’t have any kids, but you’ve managed to find your way to a hockey message board dedicated to youth hockey. Which, primarily is used by fathers of kids who have played or are playing. What’s your resume? What’s your purpose here? Are you qualified to speak on any of these matters?
  9. Is this renowned pathologist in the majority? Or the minute minority, of health professionals, who believe in masks? Im not a health professional, and I can confidently say that if Cyril Wecht is going around saying “masks are absurd” then he is a clown who should never work in healthcare again. Here’s a simple explantation for you. When your body “sneezes”... it can expel germ droplets a lot further than 6 feet. By wearing a mask, you are eliminating the amount of droplets that are expelled, and you’re else eliminating the distance in which they are expelled. That is common sense. It also stops the mouth breathers from expelling the virus all over others.
  11. The vaccine that may never come... who are you kidding? Of all of the arguments to pick, you picked the most hollow one. This planet has cured or managed almost everything Mother Nature has thrown at it. The real question is if enough people will get this vaccine, or if they will hide in their basement because Bill Gates (Lucifer incarnate) and the government want to track their ordinary, mundane lives via a vaccine micro chip. I think it’s safe to say you could manage at home learning for one more school year, then bank on a vaccine being available within a year. There’s literally hundereds of vaccines being developed, quite a few with good results... they just need to be tested for insurance reasons... surely you know that. BuT No mY SeNiOR Is EnTiTLeD tO HiS LaST SChOoL YeAR!!1! YoU WOnT TRaUMaTizE MY BaBy TOm WOLf!!!1!
  12. We don’t need to be showing up on KDKA news every other week for an “outbreak” at the rink.... Republican, Democrat... if there is one single thing we can agree on... that’s sensationalism and the media. Hang out in the parking lots people, even if you can go in. Pro tip... it’s good for your kid sometimes too.
  13. Anyway, people, this board is a point of contention and very passionate rhetoric at times... but please just wear the damn mask. At the end of the day, whether your kids are done with hockey, still playing or are about to start... the kids all loved doing this at some point... so let’s just bite the bullet, maybe stay out of the rink and really try to be proactive so the kids can continue to enjoy it. At the end of the day, the hockey community is responsible for doing what’s best for the hockey community, and more importantly the kids. Not rinks, not organizations. We can use better judgement on packing a rink to watch a skills session, try outs etc And we can certainly show the outside world that we are doing our part to get this thing behind us. Your kids are out there playing a sport that is hard, violent at times, and strenuous to both the body and mind... it’s the least the parents can do. There will be a time in the future where we can all get back to being hooligans. We have to do our part right now.
  14. This whole thing were we are trying to correlate youth sports and school is baffling. ”Youth sports” mostly involves roughly 35-40 kids at a time during a game, and 15-20 during practice a few times a week for and hour and half. Schools consist of 300 to 1k+ kids... 5 times a week for 6+ hours. The “risk” with youth sports barely registers when you take into consideration that some of these districts are going to pack all of those kids into a school - and all it will take is one sneeze to get into the ventilation system. People are so out to lunch on the whole school thing, but like everything else in this country - we’re just going to have to try it (knowing it won’t work) then all fall flat on our faces. Kids will be back at home by mid-September. Saw a few districts taking “parent surveys” on whether or not to reopen. Talk about letting the inmates run the asylum. Pandering and spineless. I know people have to work, but everyone knows the reality of this, and while it’s a harsh, difficult, hard to swallow reality. It is indeed, REALITY. We cannot gather in groups of more than 25, but a month from now, schools can be packed? I say close school, knowing it won’t work, and let the kids who play sports have some semblance of normalcy. Hell, maybe it will encourage others who typically wouldn’t play to get out and moving. The schools will shut the schools down, not a youth soccer league.
  15. If you asked me, a month ago, to pick the one rink that would ruin it for everyone... I would have been right. Why in the hell would you let all of those people in there?
  16. Had a good laugh at this. Not that Jack isn’t a man, I don’t have a dog in this. In general, it’s just the truth. The feminization of the modern day man, coupled with a complete lack of spine or conviction is widespread. Seeing it in everyday life almost makes me buy into the conspiracy theories that the new world order wants to create generations of plant based, skinny jean wearing cuckholds. Along with promoting masculine women... don’t even get me started. Women get all hot and bothered anymore, simply at the sight of a guy who knows how to start a lawn mower.
  17. That happens every couple of years. Some over trained mite’s YouTube video ends up online and goes viral. The Penguins actually had a hand in the nonsense with the kid from Alaska, he was a “Crosby” fan. If I remember correctly, the pens flew him into a game. The best part of these videos, which are clearly an attempt at “exposure” by the parents, is that they rarely show game footage. Just JR skating and dangling around some cones, and going “top shelf!” I know about 12 kids personally who could do that shit at a young age, their parents just weren’t pimping videos of them out to anyone who will validate them. Those kind of parents are the worst.
  18. And Southside is a demographic of 21-30... it has been since the 80’s. 40 year olds are home with their kids. The general sentiment all over the country is that young people do not care. Look at Florida and Texas, with kids packing pool party’s. Then you have the establishments that encourage it. I also think the NG should have halted protest before they could begin. Letting A mass of 2k people run around any given city during a pandemic is ridiculous. Wearing a mask is meant to be a precaution used along with 6ft of distance. It is not going to help much when you have 60 people crammed in one area of a night club. You can’t cram 200 people in a nightclub, then claim you’re doing the right thing because they have their masks on (for five minutes in line until they enter).
  19. I mean, then your kid gets it. I appreciate that. The large majority do not. That is a simple and factual truth. Half the country doesn’t believe the virus is anything more than the seasonal flu, and their parents, relatives, and president are acting as such. Now, who knows if that’s the case, but in our jurisdiction the person calling the shots views the virus as a threat to public health. And he has a lot of ground to stand on when asserting that. I’ll say it again... Whether you believe this virus is legitimate, or that it’s “blown out of proportion”... the fact of the matter is that the governor, who is the authority on the matter, in Pennsylvania, does believe it to be legitimate. So unless the masses find a way to usurp his decision making, we will be going round and round with this until it sinks in that when Tom Wolf says jump, you jump. Or you get to sit at home for another 3 months.
  20. I wasn’t bashing anyone in particular. I actually agree, to an extent, the sentiments about Wolf. My point is, that complaining on a message board, or doing trivial things like not wearing a mask is hardly a protest. If anyone wants to get their big boy pants on and stir up a revolution, do it... until then just do what you’re told so we can get this over with.
  21. It’s the new temporary normal. Once there is a vaccine, face masks and restrictions will only be remembered when VH1 airs some “decade” show about the 20’s. And it will be a long time before this happens again. You can bet China will be handling their “lab” protocol a lot better. Unless of course you actually believe this virus originated in a wild life market...it didn’t. We aren’t talking about Dave’s dive in McKeesport. We are talking about south side and the various other places where your kids go to lower their IQ and overall potential. This virus, and the millennial/zoomer attitude have aligned a perfect storm. Coupled with a generation of parents who are “friends” with their kids. We can’t tell Jaxton what to do, he will go where he wants regardless of quarantine. Then Jaxton feels put upon in general, this cruel world robbed him of sitting on a football field for 3 hours waiting to walk up and shake the principals hand... he is going to do what he wants now. No mask needed. All the while Mark and Becky (dad and mom) sit at home and encourage this behavior by foaming at the mouth about how Tom Wolf is out to get them... and he relishes I’m shutting down the state... sits back in his office and jerks off to the conservative tears.
  22. Wear your masks, stop letting your 22 year old, that you’re still paying the bills for, go out and feel invincible. You’re not special, you’re family and friends aren’t special. Have the intelligence to do what you’re told, and watch the “wolf” back away from your door. OR Shut your mouth and sucketh from the Wolf teet, while the Wolf ask thy question... Who be thy Daddy?
  23. People who help their kids get changed on them. I used to help my kid their about 10 years ago and they reeked then. I was their the other day and sat on one, piss smell. Moved to another, piss smell. Move to one more, piss smell. Like I said they need to get rid of the fabric on those benches or scrap them all together. Would probably be better suited for the new Corona age anyway.
  24. Looks like Alpha took a chance and won out by opening up early. No worse for the wear. Never a bad word to say about Alpha. They got it right and brought joy to a lot of people in a pretty dark time. *Except the benches around the lobby/food area reek of piss. They have a fabric on them, and the little kids (and maybe some big ones) piss themselves on the ice, then sit on the benches to get changed after. They really need to strip the carpet/fabric off of those things, get new wooden ones or clean them weekly. It’s horrible, you sit on some of them and can smell the piss on your clothes after. They look like the old blade runners benches, which I’m assuming they are. Each and every one of them smells like a week old diaper in 90 degree humidity. You can catch a whiff by just leaning down near one, it’s like 20 years of piss just ruminating through out whatever clothe material is on there.
  25. Rumor has it Alpha is in deep with issues surrounding the lack of social distancing and mask wearing by some of its patrons. I guess someone has repeatedly given warning to the geese to stop congregating in small groups, wear masks but to no avail. The local magistrate, when asked, said he was highly concerned about these geese (and ducks) disregard for CDC guidelines, and that they continue to congregate and shit all over the parking lot. If these Geese cause a breakout, will their affiliates take action against them. We all know the members of the gander who are blatant disobeying the rules. Wonder what happens next??
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