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Icebucket last won the day on September 9

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  1. I don't think it's as bad as it seems. The list goes back to last year, so it's really only about 35 suspensions this season. Looks like 9 of the 35 were from one fight between USC and PR. And when it comes to the coaches, all but 1 of the suspensions are for the number of penalties the players took in the game.
  2. Yea it's already looking like A is going to be a mess in terms of blowouts. CV, QV, Mars, and Avonworth are going to absolutely destroy the teams in the bottom half of each division. Many complained about them splitting the division into upper and lower levels last year. Not that I think it's the way to go, but it did help to at least lessen the blowout rate. Not quite sure what the right approach is.
  3. I just noticed that the finals are tonight as well. Seems crazy that the tournament stretches out into 3 different weeks, yet they felt the need to cram the semis and finals all into one night.
  4. SV has looked very good, but also probably the least tested to this point. I think that should be a good game. Best guess: SV wins 4-2 I think Lebo and FR are probably both surprises to make it this far, especially FR getting the bye. I think many expected FR to struggle getting bumped up to AAA, but maybe they will be just fine. I say FR continues and pulls it out, 3-2/SO
  5. I did mention those two would be mid to lower AAA. Although looking deeper, USC might be more towards the middle with how many they returned. They were definitely a step behind the top few teams last year, but were also a young team.
  6. Looks like two A teams beat AAA teams, and it appears both of those AAA teams played their actual varsity lineup. I would think those two will be top A teams, but still kind of shock to see them hang in there and top those AAA teams(even if they are middle to lower AAA).
  7. Looks like 16U and 18U both went 2-2 in Chicago. And at the end of the day, those are the only two teams they care about. Everyone else is just paying the bill to help reduce the cost on those two teams.
  8. I never stated that he wasn't good. The point was more about comparing a peewee to a midget. In most every case, the midget will be better than the peewee. To think Gibson isn't good is just silly.
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