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Icebucket last won the day on June 11

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  1. I don't think it's asking all that much for them to take care of their rodent problem. Especially when they are charging around 500 an hour for ice.
  2. Maybe he plans to bring them in around mid-December. Then he can cut his bottom players and leave them scrambling to find a home over Christmas. He's done more than once in the past.
  3. I thought maybe one of the teams was playing an illegal goalie
  4. I'd think by now most everyone has decided on new coaches for next season. Anyone know who all landed where? Here is what I know of but I know there are a bunch I'm missing. Peters Twp - Promoted Assistant Coach to Head Seneca Valley - Promoted Assistant Coach to Head Central Catholic - Previous SV Varsity Head Coach
  5. I'm about 90% sure overqualified is the BC coach, so I can only assume that was a brag about himself beating up on the open division
  6. I have no problem giving him all the credit if he can do something at central. I hope he does well there as the more good teams at AAA is better for everyone.
  7. How closely did you read those contracts you guys signed? Knowing the owners history, it's safe to assume he planned on screwing people over from the start. He probably snuck something in there where you guys owe him money every time you lace them up 😂
  8. Why not just go out and watch local men's league games? It's as good a level of hockey or better and you just might see a scrap or two. Plus you can probably bring your own beer most places and not catch any hell for it
  9. There is a reason why so many hockey players develop hip issues later in life
  10. The level of play at a good u16AA tournament is certainly better than that of a u15AA tournament. If USA jumped on board and held u15 tier 2 nationals it might change the landscape, but until then play on the best team you can and take two legitimate cracks at nationals
  11. If only the 09 parents were smart enough to realize the best option is to mix with AA 08s. U15 tier 2 is just silly
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