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Everything posted by RefHannah

  1. I came here to find out what happened with Vengeance but to my surprise it hasn't been discussed. I ran into an old Hockey dad friend of mine today, and he said the entire Vengeance Illuminati has suddenly left that organization. These are the “Five Families” that created that organization back when the 08s and 09s were mites. They were Never Pens’ers and threw their money at creating a team to compete with PPE. They hated everything about the Pens. They didn’t want their kids hockey team being controlled by anybody else but themselves, so they picked who coached the teams and which players made the teams. Fast forward to today. More than half of the 08s after coming off a trip to Nationals and a win over PPE at districts, suddenly left the team. And wait, where did these 08 and 09 Never Pens’ers go?? You can't make this up! They went to Pens Elite. I really wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see the rosters with my own eyes. So what happened over there? Sounds like some people lost a power struggle. Did someone with deeper pockets than them come in and build the fancy locker room and force them out?
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