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Everything posted by JohnnyBenderlegs

  1. From their MHR it looks like their parents spending the $ for traveling.
  2. Wasn't trying to troll or bait. I really wanted to know what options were out there I might have overlooked. After a discussion we are going to try out at one or two but if it doesn't work out who cares.
  3. So my player has been playing AA the past few years and is thinking he wants to make the jump to AAA hockey. As a first year bantam is there any place we should avoid ? I know about PPE but I've also heard it's the most expensive out of all the options .
  4. http://pihlsite.pointstreaksites.com/view/pihlsite/history-245 Here s an over view but team records seem up to the associations
  5. I really didn't know. Thanks for clarifying. More specifically, do the parents shelling out all that money know that too???????????????
  6. Do local "AAA" programs every play one another? That should be popcorn worthy.
  7. Not enough games for people to be upset about yet?
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