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Everything posted by miked

  1. i think this is where a lot of people get things wrong with younger kids. it's not the coach as it is the way the coach and the player get a long. Your kid might be excited to work with a Stanley Cup winner in TK, but if TKs teaching style or personality doesn't mesh with the kid, it's not going to work out very well. When my son was younger we went through 3 or 4 skating instructors. he said he wanted to take skating lessons but then he would say he wasn't having fun and the instructors would start to tell us he didn't pay attention or listen. We decided to give it one more try. I'll never forget the look on his face when she made him do a drill and when he finished, instead of giving the typical "oh what a good job you did!", she just blankly stared at him and skated to the other side of the ice. he just stood there confused until she SCREAMED, "let's go!" she skated him up, down, and all around, and when she finally said, "hey that wasn't too bad" he lit up. she made him work hard for her approval and when he would get it, it meant something to him. he absolutely loved her and his skating improved dramatically. other kids would work with her once, and never come back because she was mean, but it's what worked for my son. he didn't want coddled. like everyone keeps pointing out, if the kid isn't having fun, then they aren't going to improve, but every kid has a different idea of fun and only you and them can figure this out. i see so many parents dragging miserable looking kids in and out of ice rinks, don't be them. a 9/10 year old could learn a lot from playing one on one with a varsity player and have a blast doing it.
  2. oh for gods sakes would you stop with the d@mn crying and whining about how everyone thinks they can fix the the virus and how flippin scared you are!!! this statement "you do, you just won't admit it because it's "BS"" has to do with your refusal to admit that this is a partisan fight, not what either party knows about a virus. the safety of our kids is being determined by a political pissing match and you simply refuse to acknowledge it and stand behind some crappy sarcastic statements. OVER AND OVER. when facts are presented to you, you ignore them completely. the restrictions in place are making hockey not only more physically dangerous, they are making the spread of the virus MORE LIKELY. WTF do you not understand about this? the simple fact is these restrictions are causing situations that fly directly in the face of CDC recommendations. no kid sits on the bench by the same person for 15 minutes during a game, but to protect us from this non threat (per CDC guidance), we have to put kids in a closed in locker room for over 15 minutes. you're the one with the MASSIVE virus fear, you should be having anxiety about this more than anyone. and honestly you or anyone can be as scared or not scared as you want, because it doesn't matter. you want to hear what doctors are saying? here you go, the NHL on return to play. "One thing we've learned from the many doctors that are advising us on our wellness council, as well as our task force, is that like the flu, this thing will be with us forever, so the key is to put it in a box." https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/29782402/what-hearing-2020-21-nhl-season You get that? FOREVER. You think the Spanish flu went away? Nope. https://www.salon.com/2019/01/02/the-same-flu-virus-that-caused-the-1918-pandemic-is-back-this-year/ Is it sinking in now? we have to live with this forever and that means forcing politicians to make decisions that actually foster a safer environment. decisions that actually make sense. if you think having an indoor limit that doesn't take square footage, height of ceiling, ventilation, etc... into account, then you are simply beyond the reach of common sense.
  3. you do, you just won't admit it because it's "BS"
  4. check that, fafa fohi flipped one so it's now 13 dems needing flipped
  5. it's not partisan BS when it's in black in white in front of your face. it is a FACT, 14 dems need flipped to pass this bill. the list is there for ALL to see. it is a FACT, directly from the office of the governor, if you divide the ice into 2 smaller areas separated by an imaginary 6 foot divider, you can put more people on the ice. yes, more people in a smaller area is fine, so long as a hockey game doesn't occur. it is a FACT that there are senators trying to make this a bi-partisan issue, who admitted at the Delmont rally that the Dems are under heavy pressure from above to vote no on lifting restrictions. bury your head in the sand all you want, but what is going on in this country right now is nothing but partisan politics. We're trying to get our Dems to use some common sense in the restrictions they have put in place, while in Ohio, the republicans are trying to impeach Dewine for having any restrictions in place. it's stupidity from every direction, but as an American citizen, it's your right to call out this stupidity and force your elected officials to make changes or get new officials. just sitting there, saying, "ah gee shucks, this doesn't seem very smart, but, i dunno, i'll just do whatever i'm told" is exactly why our elected officials, on both sides, have such a sense of entitlement and arrogance. the sheeple will never question MY wise authority!!!!
  6. great, thanks!! it makes perfect sense that the health officials would have a chart like this so they could provide appropriate directives for public safety, it is the kind of logical action that one should expect. So since we are not currently experiencing any outbreak/spike in cases, why are activities with such low numbers being restricted in absolutely nonsensical ways? How does this chart explain the Governor's directive that a 17,000 sq ft building should have the same capacity as a 200 sq ft building? or even more brilliant, if you shrink the size of the ice surface by creating an imaginary barrier 6 feet wide, you can now put 50 people in the same space? How come Ohio has indoor restrictions based on the size of the space? How come they have been open since the end of May and we just got 90 more days "in the hole"? The argument isn't about the "realness" of the virus, it's about the arbitrariness of the restrictions in our state and the seeming lack of desire to even consider making restrictions that have some type of basis in logic. it goes so far beyond what form, if any, youth hockey takes this year. the fact that we need to petition grown adults who think of themselves as leaders to tell them square footage should be taken into account is a down right embarrassment.
  7. so what is this saying, 22 people out of the 1.2 million in Allegheny county that tested positive played a sport in that week? or is it 22 people out of the 3.5 million in Western PA? are these youth sports? or anyone that got tested? if i play ping pong with my neighbor, then test positive, did I play a sport? what if a grocery worker, got up Saturday, played a sport, went to a party then a bar, then on Sunday went to church, would they be on there 5 times? you clearly think this chart means something, so do explain? because what i see is a bunch of numbers that say there is no reason for a lockdown.
  8. don't the Vengeance AAA Minor BY teams play in PAHL as SCIR Major BY AA? i'm thinking this is what is meant as interaction. I would find it hard to believe they would be so stupid as to co-mingle profit and non profit entities, but i have no insider knowledge of their book keeping.
  9. sorry, a little cryptic, do you mean THEE bill? so all this discussion was for not and we can play full rosters in PA now?
  10. From the CDC https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/public-health-recommendations.html Current guidance based on community exposure, for people exposed to people with known or suspected COVID-19 or possible COVID-19 Individual who has had close contact (< 6 feet)** for ≥15 minutes*** Fauci called, said stop using his likeness to spout stupidity.
  11. my brother lives in Cincinnati, his kids are grown so he isn't up on youth sports, but he told me Hamilton county, population ~850k has 250 reported covid deaths. Allegheny County, population ~1.2 million has 340 covid related deaths. pretty much exactly the same. oh, they've been re-opened since May 21st. no politics to see here, just move along. anyhow, thanks for confirming.
  12. sorry, to hi-jack your thread, but do you have confirmation that Ohio has proper indoor limits to play full roster hockey? thanks
  13. I contend that every kid I know is NOT happy about the restrictions. I contend that you should stop trying to speak for some supposed majority when you have no idea what anyone thinks or feels outside of your kids small realm. The issue that you seem to not understand is that these restrictions in no way make anything safer. Actually, quite the opposite. I have a son that plays cards at a small card shop on Saturdays. Being indoors, they have a 25 person max capacity. Let me tell you, if you put 25 people in this place, there would be a few body parts forced up asses to get them all to fit. But yet a 17,000 sq foot building with a 15-20 foot ceiling has the same capacity? It's arbitrary, asinine and has nothing to do with safety. It has nothing to do with staying home and fear or lack of fear or freedom fighting. it's a simple matter of once you've let 25 in a building for a game, WTF difference does another 25 make? NONE!! Players can be spread on the benches in creative ways to distance them, which is a HELL ton safer than the current recommendation of staying in the locker room for 30 minutes.
  14. LOL, is that PGH Dads long haired brother!!!
  15. what nobody is mentioning is that this limited roster turns the ice surface into a significantly more dangerous place. you expect the kids to make sure they close the penalty box door properly when their time is up? that one coach on the bench is going to remember to remind the kids to check the latch after every line change? hey Johnny just broke his neck when he got knocked through the Penalty Box door, but at least he didn't get COVID-19!!!!! and let's not forget that it tells half the team to stay in an enclosed space for at least 30 minutes waiting to to take the ice. isn't the entire thing we're trying to avoid to slow the spread of ANY virus is enclosed spaces for long periods of time? it's all optics and not safety. but hey, we;re too dumb to know what's best for our kids and ourselves so we're clearly too dumb to see through this master stroke of planning, don't thing, don't question, we made a plan, you are safe. shhh!!! eff it, let's just give the kids chainsaws and have exploding pucks and land mines on the ice!!! lol
  16. this is what was sent to Foxes members on 8-18 after the monthly league meeting. As of now, the league calendar is unchanged. The goal is to get all games in by the previously established deadlines Midgets will not have placement games. It is also possible that Peewee and Bantams will not have placement games. We are encouraging teams to schedules scrimmages if possible to send information to the placement committee to place teams in the appropriate divisions. Many rinks in the area are allowing games to be played with full team participation. so basically RMU is staying strict with the governmental ruling, so you'll need to go somewhere more loosey goosey with the rules if you want to play a full roster game.
  17. senator in question https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/member_information/house_bio.cfm?id=1744 no need to mention party affiliation.
  18. all these ass hats screaming freedom, have no idea what freedom means. it's just an excuse for them to be selfish *(#&(@)$*@)*$)@*@)$*)@*$ weeds. Almost every case where one of these idiots screams freedom from the oppression of the cloth mask, takes place in a private business. The only freedom that exists is the freedom of the business owner to run their business as they chose and the freedom of the patron to not patronize the business if they don't like it. if an ice rink rink says wear a mask, wear a mask or don't go to that ice rink. try walking in without a shirt and see how long that lasts. scream about your freedom and i bet you go to jail.
  19. what schools are opening in person? Most school districts that i have heard about are online for at least the first 9 weeks. schools are definitely a different animal, especially the buses. but this really isn't about a mitigation effort. Did the Departments of Health and Education just find out about school 6 days ago? was this a surprise? maybe this quote will clarify “For reasons beyond understanding, the governor waited until practices have already started, equipment has already been purchased, fees have already been paid, and dreams of a return to normalcy have already been formed by athletes and families alike,” Gottesman said in a release. if it was about safety, all the reasonable suggestions you people are making about delaying would have been put in place when cases spiked in June and July, but they allowed sports to continue all summer, preparations for fall to be made and then, suddenly decided it was too unsafe.
  20. lot of good stuff here, let's break it into smaller pieces. they have smaller populations and less testing. if you take enough EU countries to compare to the US population, you will find that the US has given more tests and has LESS positives. true, they have also now gone down within weeks. PA is now reporting almost all counties in not concerning levels of positive. this is while ice rinks are full, pretty sure baseball is happening, and many people have noted other sports going on. The parks have kids climbing and slobbering all over the place, mom's with their chins straps, snuggled up on the benches. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/new-cases-50-states well, we know what Trump thinks. he wants everyone out there, right or wrong, get out there. so this statement is my point in a nutshell, because it's only true for one party. how can what is the correct course of action for dealing with a disease be split down party lines? right, but it's out of fear of being sued, not out of fear for anyone's safety or well-being. as most ADs have pointed out, the kids would be much safer under the watchful eye of the school's athletic department, than being shipped out on their own. are these schools even having on site classes? if they don't play football will these kids be sent home? where they can attend all the underground dance parties their hearts desire. like you said, we're in agreement about what we think should be happening, and i think most people agree as well, BUT we don't matter. We the people do not matter. Not when there are political agendas to follow and lawyers itching for lawsuits. we're to dumb to know what to do, what to think, how to feel, or what's best for our children.
  21. SHUT is the key word. past tense. the rest of the world is NOW opening. Premiere League, Bundesliga have been playing. South Korea opened schools June 8th and have begun allowing spectators at events. Even Spain and Italy that were getting absolutely crushed have eased restrictions and are beginning to get life going again. So why is there a push for the US to go on a 6 week total lockdown? Why did Wolfe suddenly attack fall sports? Especially since the latest reports showed PA had dropped below the concerning benchmark. We are no longer concerned, but we're going to shut things down anyway? why? because it's not about safety anymore. Like i said, but you chose to ignore, in March we didn't have the knowledge, so the shut down made sense, but there comes a point when you have the understanding of how to mitigate risks and you move forward. The rest of the world is doing just that. yes, there will be set backs, especially with nut sacks like Billy Woods in the world, but there comes a time when you have to start to live again, while doing all you can to protect yourself and others. as far as college sports, they aren't losing anything, if anything they stand to make more money by postponing to a point when they can put fans in the stands. they say it's about the safety of the kids, but they will have no qualms about these kids playing from January to June then hitting training camp in early August for next season. so to sum this up, what the world did in the past has nothing to do with what is happening currently in the US. Maybe it's your horizons that could use an expansion.
  22. this information is incorrect. the Detroit Free Press started it, Dan Patrick continued it, even going so far as to name the 2 schools that voted against, but the Big 10 had never held this vote. the vote occurred today and it was determined to POSTPONE the fall sports season. Nebraska and Ohio State football are already looking into playing a non Big 10 schedule. On advice from the chair of their medical advisory group, the ACC is still planning to play starting Sept 12th. Personally i expect her to be removed shortly and replaced with someone who tows the line. all others will fear speaking in favor of playing and quickly follow suit and there will be no fall sports from any conference. what they did wrong was show success in the face of the lock down battle cry. it's not about safety, science or economy. It's about an election campaign that wants everything to stop no matter what damage it causes, so they can say, well, if the pandemic was handled correctly in the first place, little Johnny wouldn't have had to miss his senior season, or you wouldn't have gone bankrupt, etc... so vote for me. covid is dangerous. so is driving to work. we now live in a world where we have to protect ourselves against both. there is no vaccine and there may never be (no matter what Russia claims). in march we didn't have much information and it was spreading like crazy so we had to take drastic measures. we now know the spreading mechanism and how to slow, even possibly prevent, transmission. it's time to start living life again. I mean who here stopped having sex because of AIDS? You put on a condom and plunged forward into the "new normal".
  23. and for those who do not think Wolf was told to tow the party line https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/allegheny-countys-covid-19-positivity-rate-drops-below-states-concerning-benchmark/EYYCLSP4VBEPLHTOCEMPTRFVTA/
  24. not yet https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/big-ten-says-no-vote-has-been-held-despite-expectations-league-will-cancel-fall-2020-season/ and cancelling the FALL season does not mean they are cancelling THE season. As mentioned the revenue streams will not be passed on and they will most likely attempt some sort of Spring season.
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