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Everything posted by BeaverFalls

  1. Let’s also report the number of herpes cases on the roster as well.
  2. When I have my suspicions that Quinlan does but for other reasons.
  3. I watched some games from there this past weekend so idk if it was only select games or not?
  4. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vREo1g3uRaOJrhUxI4vysLS1yAPiT15492TLRBb_cVk0GOVj_4sVQ2K-V1Busm1ti8JzxmOVltlcYuV/pubhtml
  5. Here’s the guaranteed way to leverage AAA hockey into a scholarship. 1. Don’t play it and open up a 529 account. Put the $10-20,000 into it each year. 2. Spend time studying. 3. Get a legit degree or trade and play club hockey as desired with the same kids who played AAA. 4. Graduate relatively debt free having played college hockey and having a real job. If your kid is legit D1-D3 NCAA caliber, they’ll find him.
  6. Way too much over classifying from top to bottom. With the rarest exceptions, in reality, most every player in Western Pa is categorized a level above the actual skill of play.
  7. And then the lightbulbs go off and the realization that in the end, this is all a business.
  8. If we just keep kicking the can down the road I’m sure we will have a season by February or maybe March.
  9. #2 Fascinating detail from Judge Stickman's 9.14.20 Order, County of Butler, et al, v. Gov Wolf et al.: the members of Gov Wolf's "reopening team" and "policy team" - the two "teams" that came up with the COVID-19 Restrictions, including the Business Closure and Stay At Home Orders among others, are not only UNKNOWN, but during their countless meetings they took NO MINUTES. So there's no record of their deliberations. Who knows what they reviewed, whom they consulted with or what anyone said? No one! There's no record.
  10. Again, the incongruity of this whole thing is what makes people upset and skeptical.
  11. Untrue. The limits are no longer valid and will stay that way unless a stay is granted or the decision is overturned by the 3rd circuit court of appeals.
  12. Then they can just watch. Honestly. Let’s not hijack the whole god damn league.
  13. There was no science nor metric to work towards that would allow us to increase the limit. That’s the point. 25 was it. Period. There was no greener stage. New Normal. Deal with it.
  14. Lesson learned: 25 was never going to change. Hockey was never going to happen.
  15. Louder for those in the back: "[T]he record shows that Defendants [Governor and Secretary] view the presence of disease mitigation restrictions upon the citizens of Pennsylvania as a ‘new normal’ and they have no actual plan to return to a state where all restrictions are lifted. It bears repeating; after six months, there is no plan to return to a situation where there are no restrictions imposed upon the people of the Commonwealth.”
  16. The federal judge was clear about this on Wolf in his findings: "[T]he record shows that Defendants [Governor and Secretary] view the presence of disease mitigation restrictions upon the citizens of Pennsylvania as a ‘new normal’ and they have no actual plan to return to a state where all restrictions are lifted. It bears repeating; after six months, there is no plan to return to a situation where there are no restrictions imposed upon the people of the Commonwealth.”
  17. Interacted with him once. He definitely has a passionate love affair with himself. No one is irreplaceable.
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