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Everything posted by nemesis8679

  1. To force anyone to leave PAHL, those teams need still need other teams to play. So there's still no alternative.
  2. I think it's weird that teams play whoever they play, no divisions or anything.
  3. I don't think it's anything more than that girl's (women's) hockey has been a trendy thing-as women's basketball, also-to talk about and get behind. By pushing girls hockey it's a great marketing opportunity ("Hey, look at us! We're at the forefront of getting behind women's hockey!"). While also being a previously untapped niche where PAHL was collecting the money of the players, where now PPE can get some of it.
  4. I wonder if things will change with Morehouse out and Fenway in? I can't see Fenway missing an opportunity to cash in, but actually developing local players without all the other bs involved would be a way to gather some goodwill which into is also good for them.
  5. It would be interesting to know if they replaced that Penguin logo on the jersey, didn't have the name "Penguins" involved at all, lost the fancy arena, snack bar, and fireplace and played in a typical area arena, how much oooohhhhing and aaaawwwing about them would disappear.
  6. Well, they can force their home teams into it. Or those teams decide not to do it and look for a different Arena. For any teams outside of those ones in Black Bear arenas, Black Bear is going to have to provide some kind of major benefit for those teams to leave PAHL and join them.
  7. 14 year old Russian player hit in the chest. Says he didn't have a protective shield over his chest. Not sure if that means it was removed, or he just wasn't wearing a proper chest protector. Another reminder to not skimp on your child's equipment, and make sure it's worn and fits right. https://www.google.com/amp/s/english.pravda.ru/amp/news/hotspots/153571-hockey_player/
  8. Interesting quote about Hockey Canada settling the sex assault case out-of-court. "Hockey Canada keeps a special multimillion-dollar fund, which is fed by the registration fees of players across the country, that it uses to pay out settlements in cases of alleged sexual assault without its insurance company, and with minimal outside scrutiny." I wonder if USA Hockey does something similar? I'm guessing they do. If so, I hope they re-examine that. Not a good look from Hockey Canada. Also: Several players were involved in that. This case is a good reminder to teach your kids how to treat other people, and not be the one who gets wrapped up in going along with the group. Hopefully we can instill in our kids to not take advantage of others who are in a vulnerable situation, and be the one who's not afraid to put a stop to something like this if they're in that position.
  9. Nah, it's EVERYWHERE. Remember the Chico Adrahtas case- where they knew and just moved him around like they did with priests? And the parents and kids who knew, but put up with it because "he was a great coach"...
  10. Well, I see you're at least able to write a paragraph without misspelling anything or making 30 grammatical errors. You're tribe probably thinks of you as a modern-day Albert Einstein.
  11. They don't grow kids any different in Pittsburgh than they do in Cleveland. Or Tucson, or Tampa Bay. You can develop athletes anywhere, for any sport. Doesn't matter if parents are "hockey people" or "baseball people" - the coaches are or can be. It's a matter of doing it the right way, and who is doing it. Shaler high school pumped out baseball and wrestling prospects like a factory. That was coaching. Woodland Hills does it with football. That was coaching. There's other examples, all over the country. They're doing or have done it with an even smaller pool of kids to pick from- a single school district. Of course the kids need some natural athletic ability, and can develop more of it. But when you have to show up with some athleticism, be ready to eat right and work hard, AND come up with 10K-40K (not including any extra lessons) increasingly every year... that's just not doable for many of even the best athletes and the local pool you can draw from shrinks. Just my 2 cents.
  12. You must watch a lot of Tucker Carlson.
  13. Could it be they move on because paying 30K+ between the program and mandatory NC tuition is unattainable for many talented kids?
  14. It should be obvious to anyone that they don't grow local players. Isn't it apparent to everybody, as once they hit a certain age most of them are out and someone from somewhere else is in? If you are taking the "elite" in their mite and squirt years, you should be able to develope most of those kids- except those that lose interest, can't keep affording it, or otherwise drop out- all the way through. So in other words, by going with out-of-towner, the organization is telling you themselves that they are not going to do what they're telling you they will do.
  15. I would say the first rule of hockey is to stay away from skills coaches that are team coaches and team coaches that are skills coaches. Keep those separate.
  16. Hockey is way more convoluted than any other major sport.
  17. Yeah, probably. Look how many players go in the FIRST round in the NHL and don't play a game in the league, let alone actually have a career. There's a lot of good, interchangeable players at that level and all levels. But at least they can claim it on their resume if they ever want to give skills lessons or coach varsity somewhere. Hey, I'm happy for them. Hopefully it's all worth it in the end. As long as they're having a good time.
  18. Also, look what rounds they are. Not exactly high.
  19. I guess his son is too old to play, so he could retire and not have to worry about him getting cut off the squad.
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