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fafa fohi

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Everything posted by fafa fohi

  1. A guy using two user names is now calling others phonies........now that is funny.
  2. Two username @Wampa1 and @PBsooks acting up once again insulting others time after time after time. Never did understand why he uses two different names - it took one paragraph from @PBsooks to realize both are the same person. @Paul Baxter - if you want to keep what is left of the user base here, you know what to do. Based on this and other threads, I’m clearly not the only one that feels this way.
  3. Agreed - the Crosby / Dicks Little Pens program has had a huge impact on growth of youth hockey here in western PA. That is healthy for the sport. Any truth to the rumor that 1-2 sheets will be built just north of current UPMC facility? I've been hearing this for a while now but nothing of late.
  4. Thanks @Wampa1........errr, @PBsooks When you trash a program, you are trashing the kids within said program. It is not that difficult to understand. Any reason why you have two user names?
  5. Why bother? I don't answer to you. You are now acting under two separate user names and spewing the same garbage, including trashing kids. One of you was far too many.
  6. Sounds like @Wampa1 has another user name in @PBsooks..........same type of insults and disparaging remarks. And calling Burrell's program not a pure program is an insult to those kids and coaches that put in the hard work in order to have a successful year playing hockey.
  7. I have not heard of other organizations shutting down registration, however I am not surprised when it comes to NP. RMU / Foxes has always had strong numbers for Squirt level teams as they have always had a large in-house Mite program, and NP has done a great job in building their own.
  8. All of my boys have used Levi at Frozen Pond. Very pleased with the results.
  9. Thanks for posting this - western PA is well represented. Good luck ladies and men!
  10. Guys like @Wampa1 don't run along to another thread because he gets off on stuff like this. Unfortunately there is not one single shred of constructive thought coming from him, regardless of topic. The name calling, disparaging remarks and condescending crap is old, tired and juvenile. That is not what this thread or this site is all about. @Paul Baxter maybe its time to send him packing.
  11. Watching your kids play a sport that they love........that’s what it’s all about. I have watched two of my three boys play from Mites to U18 and I have one left playing U14. What in the hell am I going to do on the weekend when it’s all gone? Raking leaves and cutting the grass is overrated.
  12. Sounds like for the amount of a tryout fee you learned quite a bit, and you and your son will benefit from this experience as he continues to play this great sport.
  13. Expressing opinions is what this hockey site is all about, however berating others and calling them idiots because they disagree with you or because they have chosen a different path than yours is something else entirely.
  14. And yet another crash and burn comment thread led by the notorious @Wampa1. Seems like you always seem to be the guy throwing the turd in the punchbowl. A meaningful and timely thread develops, then @Wampa1 inserts his genius takes by bad mouthing kids and organizations, name calling others throughout this and other threads, "outing idiots," nothing but negativity with no solutions. We are talking about kids here bro.
  15. Vengeance 06 BY may be an option for you to look into...... https://www.scirhockey.org/tryout-information/tryout-dates/
  16. Here are the dates for Renegades tryouts. https://www.scirhockey.org/tryout-information/tryout-dates/
  17. “Dummy”.........”names don’t hurt me” yet here you are hurling them once again, and doing nothing other than throwing insults while contributing nothing or adding to this thread because you have no effing clue what you are talking about. Then again that is your pattern - keyboard warrior playing tough guy. Put the blocks down son and run along.
  18. Oh here we are again, the five year old genius and his brilliant takes. And the name calling once again shows your maturity level. What took you so long? Elementary school hours weren't shortened due to the cold and snow? Hey son, I named two organizations for the reasons cited above, so stop trying to read into something that isn't there. Does NP, Foxes, BV and other local organizations have an option higher than PAHL AA or did you flunk reading comprehension when the author of the post said he / she was looking for a higher level of hockey? All I did was offer a suggestion and you are triggered, as usual. When I say I don't have any "skin in the game" means exactly that - I have no tethered interest in this as it is not applicable to me or any of my sons that currently play the game. It is truly sad trying to explain things to a kid posing as an adult - just look at the history of your posts - insults, name calling and rambling on without a point. Unfortunately for everyone else here we are subjected to your idiocy once again.
  19. Relax bro, I have no skin in this game and I merely made a suggestion on two organizations this individual should look into. It will be up to them to investigate, then make an educated decision based on what they find. Icemen did not have an 06 team this past season so how do you know what their schedule will look like or what the makeup of the team will be? Seeing you have a strong opinion on two organizations that have yet to form these 2006 teams yet do you have any other insight you could share with us? Or better yet maybe you should be the one with the insider info for the individual that posed the question in the first place.
  20. If you are looking at alternatives to PPE you can start here with Esmark and Icemen. And I would agree with everyone else on this thread on the importance of great coaching...... https://www.esmarkstars.com/tryouts-information https://www.frozenpondarena.com/phateams
  21. Check to see if any of the LEBO coaches are on the PAHL board.........
  22. I think most organizations are posting tryout dates but holding off on registration until on or after April 1st so anyone that registers has to get an updated USA Hockey #. Typically USA Hockey opens up their registration for the upcoming year on April 1st.
  23. What is the driver???? For the most part kids want to play competitive hockey with their friends. I know many instances where Kid A gets on a higher team than his friends and mentions to dear old dad - "I want to play with my buds.".............we all know how that conversation ends. Another driver? Dad and mom can brag to all of their friends that their 9 year old plays AAA level hockey. You see them, wearing their "elite" gear to all of the neighborhood block parties. And at $10K+ a year it is a bargain at any price.
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