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Showing content with the highest reputation on 5/31/2023 in all areas

  1. Tell that to King Ralph, he makes a killing.
    1 point
  2. DW is part of the ownership group that bought the shithole that was Ice Connection and poured a ton of money into major improvements. People that have issues with Frozen Pond today either have a very short memory of what the place used to be like or had never been there prior to it being sold.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. We all know people don't own rinks because they are profit centers, they do it because they love the sport. I'd prefer the ice be the best it can be above and beyond anything else. Canada is full of literal barns and the kids are just happy to play and the parents are happy to be able to watch their kids play this wonderful sport. Off subject, and not directed to you or any individual...if everyone just took a step back from their keyboards and anger for one reason or another, and looked at their players, who most can care less about half (all) of what is bitched about on this board, everyone would smile, as who can't smile watching their kid do what they love? And if you can't, it's time for some reflection.
    1 point
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