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Everything posted by Danner27

  1. Humphreys left the pens because his brother was cut if I recall - we are getting past the birth years I know much about these days. The mom ran the pens sled or special needs team, don’t recall which. Parent’s got pissed and sent their kids off to prep school. Probabaly the correct decision for the better kid even though it was made with emotion. All of us old timers know who the Mooney familay is - who they are related to. Never saw the kid play, couldn’t tell you how good he is.
  2. Puckcovid would know.
  3. 15 years later and these money grabs are still going on smh
  4. Lmfao - guessing you are one of the “parents” that didn’t like the coaching change? Time for a user name change or put your kid back In Wooster for “Junior” hockey. Oh wait, that folded too…………..
  5. Any local western pa college club m1-m3 team would have had their way with this team. I watched some of the YouTube stuff - brutal. 2 older guys that could play, lots of guys that never took a skating lesson in their life, couldn’t use their edges. Some young kids that wouldn’t make any local acha teams. It was just bad.
  6. Ranked top 25 plus che REGULAR season champs, though it appears they did win the che playoffs. To be fair - LTU would beat the heck out of every chma team.
  7. Dave is still around? He did a great job running the CHE into the ground. Didn’t realize he left that leauge.
  8. Misunderstood your post. Thought you ment western pa. Yes, I’ve noticed the hype online for the south east and its big name football schools.
  9. Yes when it does. I’ve been to two OU M1 games. Decent crowds, nothing crazy, barn probably around 70% capacity both games. Half parents half students. Nobody over there cares about OU team 2. Five parents and a few girlfriends show up. It’s actually worse than what we see over in western pa for club hockey. Not a knock on team 2 - it’s just when you have a M1 team that is consistently hanging around the top 10 with a rink on campus, that is the team the students will show up for. on the flip side, just last year I was at Mercyhurst and watched their ncaa d1 team play. There couldn’t have been more than 100 or so people at that barn watching the game. A few hours later their club team played. We watched the first period. Might have been 30 people there, if that.
  10. While I agree with your ncaa d3 statement, please tell me where anyone around here is getting 2,000 plus people at a club hockey game. I’ve been to many. Attendance looks no different than a pihl game. The most I’ve witnessed for club hockey - attended a Kentucky midnight game a few years back. I’d guess that was around 2000-2500 people. That was the most I’ve ever seen at a club game by far. While I’ve never seen a liberty game in person I’ve seen the other top places and none of them had 2000 people.
  11. Boys confirmed it for me, iup $3300 this year. Duquesne $3500. That’s per team, per player. Each school has two teams.
  12. I’ve heard iup & duqesne are $3500 a year. seems pretty costly for club hockey. Compared to teams in ohio & the other side of the state that run around $1500-2k. Both iup & Duq have two teams. Someone is making good money. side note - Chattam “ncaa” d3 kid I’ve noticed has transfferd to rmu - playing club hockey now. RMU is obviously a much better eduction.
  13. It was way worse than the 9-3 score that highlight clip shows. Denver’s head coach not there. Denver playing their 3rd and 4th line on the pp, kids that are normally healthy scratched. zone time, could go on with more. the ncaa d1 kids just skate so much better, that’s what really separates acha top teams vs ncaa d1 imo and minot probabaly has some of the better acha skaters I’ve seen. We’ve been through this topic on here when Alaska-Fairbanks blew out unlv. with that said - minot would destroy the like’s of pitt, iup etc. gives some perspective. as for ncaa d3 🙄 Chattam beat a mid level acha team (iup) 1-0. Personal side note - it’s hilarious to me the ncaa d1 kids don’t wear those stupid bubble cages like you see the acha teams using. Especially around here - every acha game I see locally has half a team with those stupid things.
  14. When I was there in the late 80’s it was a fun town with a decent look along with an affordable education that wasn’t to far away from Pittsburgh. I learned to grow up while attending college in that town. I’ve had a few people tell me what they think went wrong over the years I’m just not sure how to post it with out coming off in a way that’s not who I am but there are a few factors and various things that all seem to contribute to the problems, violence, drugs and declining education standards. Whatever the reasons, the place has dropped off a cliff. A few pages back around spring I posted about one of my boys buddies who graduated from iup this past spring - he couldn’t wait to get out of there. I am not surprised to hear the story you just mentioned about hockey, I’ve heard similar.
  15. One of my boy’s was sent this
  16. The hits keep coming in Indiana smfh - shots fired on Philadelphia St. Possible dead student. don’t know what’s accurate yet. IUP Just had people killed at a home coming party recently. Race riot again last weekend. So dissapointed in my Alma. Don’t send your kids there. That entire town needs an enema at this point, same goes for the school president & admin.
  17. I named dropped an adult who has been involved in local hockey for some time. I said nothing about the hockey ability of his son. To me, It makes perfect sense this dad is involved with the con man. you are projecting - your kid is the one that couldn’t make faux aaa, aa locally I referred to while replying to your normal screen name. see how this works? I’ll explain what you just did. After you started this thread to try and draw attention to your kids new team. You got all worked up, made a new account because EVERYONE here knows a con man put that team together. Court documents are posted that prove it & there is plenty more issues not posted. you come on with a new account claiming you hate the owner but the “kids” bs. You now realize the sh!t show situation you got your son in due to people on this thread. To take it further, you mention the “skill” of all these players, how they are just trying to do the right thing. Sorry, when a few of the players are older men just learning to skate in beer leauge, yes “skill” sure as hell can be called into the equitation when you want to call this team a “semi pro” team. I would bet my house this team would not beat one local ACHA M1 or M3 college team. I’ve seen the roster, know many of the names. You know they are charging a few players to cover icetime for practice, you are deflecting - using these few players with poor skill level to tell us the only reason they are on the team. The same reason your own son played on some of those garbage (one that folded during a season because they had a grand total of 11 players with your son - Wooster) faux jr teams - to pay into the bills. You are a parent, thee parent. Cut your loses now before you waste another year.
  18. Confirmed parent. Confirmed parent I am confident it is. I’ve never personally “come after” any kid on here. Parents, probabaly. Ive been around hockey 10 year before your 2005 was born. I have a 1998 & 2002 - there is a good chance my boys and I have crossed paths with players and parents from 1996 all the way to 2004 birth years. Many of these parents I still stay in touch with, I’ve made friends all across the county due to hockey. To put it short, I know ALOT of people in the small hockey community we have. Sure some here don’t like my opinions but in reality all I do is call out the BS.
  19. make a new account to dispute you are pumping up your kids bs con team. I see Cunningham’s kid is also On the team, makes even more sense. Don’t worry I won’t say your name, someone once spelled it backwards here.
  20. Basically, it’s how a garage band works - Hawk 20 tickets to your friends so the promoter makes $200 - lets your band open on the bill locally while the touring band coming through is unloading their gear. Pay to play.
  21. I somehow just discovered this thread, I’m commenting on stuff from July, didn’t realize it was 3 pages! 🙂
  22. Lol pumping your kid’s scam of a team. Couldn’t make faux AAA locally, couldn’t make youth AA - send him to play faux “juniors” instead. Now he’s a pro Profit!
  23. And we come full circle, your kid is on the team.
  24. nobody will be getting paid much if at all. Its sponsor dependent - they don’t have crap for sponsors, look at the leauge webpage. it’s my understanding the players have to help find sponsors. it’s travel beer leauge with the local team run by a con man. This will be over soon
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