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Everything posted by nemesis8679

  1. Even if my kid was the next Crosby, Excel/NC would be a deal breaker. What a joke. Good on that kid who left.
  2. That would be one of the last organizations my kid would play for.
  3. Thats dumb. Should just be running clock. Whether winning or losing, they went to play. It's on coaching for running up a score like that.
  4. I couldn't believe it- the afternoon DJ on the The X today was talking about high school hockey and the Penguins Cup and how it's disappointing that it gets no coverage.
  5. The Women's USA vs. Canada game was lucky if over half the lower bowl sold. Good luck having two high school teams selling out even three sections of it. Even if it was free. Especially with the zero marketing of it.
  6. Hey, the single A player started it by bringing up class! ??
  7. Well, they're the ones going to a school ran and taught by a bunch of weirdo adults who believe in magic. So I'd say that the joke's on them.
  8. So these kids and their families are driving back and forth from Pittsburgh to Cleveland for practice and games, or are they uprooting themselves and actually moving to there... to play amateur hockey?? And they're paying to do this? Seems pretty goofy to me. Oh, so does being forced to do your schooling at a catholic school against your will, too. Unless you're head & shoulders lights out above literally every other player at 15 years old and two or three years younger then everyone you're playing with like a Crosby, Tavares, or McDavid... then I guess I could see it. But I bet they're not. Because if you were you wouldn't be worried about making a AAA team within your own age group. And in Pittsburgh or Cleveland. Is all of this insane, or is it just me?
  9. 32K ???? You'd be way better off playing for your school and PAHL, and using a few thousand for lessons with private coaches. And you save yourself about 20K.
  10. Sh!tty websites? That's about 100% of amateur hockey websites. Let's be serious.
  11. Where does WHL fit in? And in Canada, is only tier 1 capable of rendering players ineligible for ncaa?
  12. There was also more left out, and not in Mr. Meyers' favor.
  13. That's just called The State of Insurance in the United States.
  14. I guess they have to pay lawsuits one way or the other.
  15. I offered my solution. Quite a bit more reasonable than yours, if I do say so.
  16. Congratulations! You lasted longer than I did!
  17. Why are you so fast to surrender going to your own kid's games? So who enforces this ban? PIHL? PAHL? ATC school league? The rinks? USA Hockey? Good luck.
  18. Really? Could've fooled me. You're putting way too much thought into it. Who supplies zambonibdrivers? Who supplies referees? Bottom line- someone does. I don't really care who. I don't think anyone has annoyed me so quickly on this board before, over nothing. Congrats, you win. Feel free to analyze every detail of the problem. Not my job to figure it out.
  19. No kidding about schools not caring about hockey. However, pretty much any place where large amounts of people gather, places have security. The added cost would be less than 5 bucks a player per game. So don't make it like it's some insurmountable obstacle.
  20. That's the silliest thing I've heard all day. Who pays for these teams to play, and for the rinks to be open? It sure isn't the schools. A better idea would be having (competent) security at the games. I'm sure the schools have no problem paying for that at their football games.
  21. If that's true that the Latrobe parent was threatening/ intending to confront that kid, the Shaler parent had every right to confront that guy. Sounds like the guy finally got the pop he's been asking for. Too bad it came at the expense of the kid's hockey playing for we'll see how long. And his skates.
  22. So what did the guy say to the player to kick this all off?
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