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Everything posted by nemesis8679

  1. Obviously, they were doing something right in Meadville.
  2. Fair play points is the stupidest thing in PAHL. And there's quite a few stupid things to choose from.
  3. I know there's pros and cons to having outside evaluators, but I believe the pros far outweigh the cons. I wonder if any orgs still do it that way, and which ones?
  4. Foxes in particular have really fallen off. And if you want to get on a good team at North Pittsburgh, you better be on a team there from the beginning. At both orgs, it can be easy to get lost in the shuffle.
  5. Hey, nothing to worry about. Yeah the season is rough but this is just the next step on the ladder to NCAA D1 or Major Junior. Hockey is without a doubt the most convoluted, backwards sport there is as far as structuring teams and leagues that make sense. Keep allowing orgs to call teams whatever they want, and this is what happens.
  6. Hopefully it was a firecracker or a car backfiring and everyone is safe. No way I'd send my kids there.
  7. Oh, nobody. He meant that in general. There's video of the signing (probably signing money over to the owner is what they signed lol) from the UPMC Center on their Facebook page. The owner looks like he's right out of central casting as a con man, cheap used-car salesman suit and all. I'm surprised he stopped short of blowing cigar smoke in the faces of the players while they signed their papers.
  8. Somebody needs to close this team and it's owner down.
  9. I'm curious what oversight this actual "league" has in how owners handle the teams?
  10. No matter who is playing where, let's not lose the focus here.... Jaison Kelly is a con artist. He's taking advantage of people once again. Now he's exploiting "semi-pro" hockey players by making them pay him to play. That doesn't sound "semi-pro" to me. So the players throw in 25 bucks per practice? Is this every player doing this? Wow.
  11. It didn't take long to figure out how this con works. At least for the Pittsburgh team. Get a roster of players to sell a bunch of sponsorships, and let them keep some money from "commissions" they receive from that and selling tickets. As long as the sponsorships and tickets minus commission are big or numerous enough to cover ice time, the owner is good. If the rink becomes a "sponsor", maybe get a break on ice time. Brady's Run being a community rink and not being the busiest place in the region would probably do that. That probably had more to do with the move from Printscape than anything else. I'm sure the ice is cheaper there straight off the bat. Probably a bank loan or two in there as well. If it works, fine. If not, keep the sponsorship money, claim bankruptcy, and fold the team. Without having to do much work or put out money yourself.
  12. Well, that's the one for forging insurance papers. Not sure why it posted twice. I fixed it. Here's the one for scamming people at his car dealership. Neither one is something a good person would do, or something he did once that could've been an honest mistake or just a one-time bad choice. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:b1fb1bfe-7010-4ded-a587-80a040d4a1fc
  13. From the Union Hockey League's website: "The Union Hockey League is hybrid league, a mix between semi-professional hockey and senior hockey, with players being compensated for travel and other expenses via a ticket sales split but allowing them to retain their amateur status. Players can also make a substantial commission by selling season tickets and partnerships. " So, I guess they earn their own money by hawking tickets, and if ticket sales aren't great, they're on their own with expenses?
  14. Very shady? I'd go a step further and say a history of being a criminal. I'd find some other beer league to play in. I wouldn't give this guy a dime or trust him with anything. This isn't someone who simply made a bad decision or was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's a pattern of deceptive and fraudulent behavior. The guy's a conman. Of course since it's white collar money crimes, he'll continue to get slaps on the wrist and be able to keep up the next grift as fast as he can come up with them. If you want to have a laugh, find the video of the "contract signing" on the team's Facebook page. Dude is like straight out of central casting as a crooked used-car dealer. If I was those players, I'd be very apprehensive of signing anything knowing his prior history of forgery and not honoring them. Apparently since he can't sell insurance or cars in the state of PA anymore, he does "exotic animal" show & tells at nursing homes and birthday parties now. I wouldn't let this huckster get within 50 yards of a vulnerable old person. I pre-emptively feel bad for whoever is getting fleeced in this hockey venture. Here's a couple of his easily-found run-ins with the law. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:3361510b-442f-49bd-bdae-24affc29943e https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:b1fb1bfe-7010-4ded-a587-80a040d4a1fc
  15. No it doesn't. Looks like there's about 30 people there.
  16. The guy is a hedge-fund bro. Of course he's a self-serving idiot. 🤷
  17. Interesting, even though Johnson's own teammates were supportive of Petgrave.
  18. THF has an insane amount of teams compared to most of them. Double or more than most. Some have 4 or 5 teams. I'm sure that could have an affect somehow. Or maybe not. I'm not a statistician. Just seems like all things aren't equal when there's that much disparity in a seemingly important category.
  19. That's the crazy thing. They have a lot of kids starting at "elite" 8u or whatever. Not many, or any, left by 16u-18u most years. By 12u-14u, they arent developed as much as other players from elsewhere, and they start getting cut loose in favor of outsiders. The ones that have made it somewhere truly impressive had more development outside of Pens, and probably would've succeeded going further with or without the Pens Elite. But, regardless where they pull their older players from and probably because of it, they're the most legit AAA option in the area and it's really not even close.
  20. My point was it sounds like a big deal to a lot of people, while mostly not amounting to anything. But it looks good on the lcd tv's in the Cranberry lobby.
  21. Sure, but to where? It also looks better than it is because people don't understand what "tendered" means. But I agree they move more kids on to somewhere else than any other teams. They should, they're pulling from a much larger geographical pool than other teams.
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