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Everything posted by Duster19

  1. The 2010 Esmark team was not very good. It will be interesting to see how much roster turnover there will be. Quite a few actual A Major type kids on that team last year. You gotta figure that some PPE Black and Vengeance kids will be bouncing some kids.
  2. Slap on the wrist by PIHL. But, what more could they legally do? Perhaps they need to approve a new by law to give them more teeth for situations like this in the future. Hopefully, the Armstrong School District will do more. Suspension of guilty kids from the school, sports and activities. The Armstrong parents should also discipline their kids who were there….they know who they are….but let’s not hold our breath. This is why our society has spiraled downward. The values of respect and integrity as well as accountability and responsibility start at home with the parents. At the end of the day, it was an epic failure on many levels….the PIHL Refs, Armstrong Coaches, Armstrong Hockey board members….and MOST importantly any adults associated with Armstrong Hockey….you FAILED your kids and society with your failure to act and do the right thing.
  3. Armstrong? Shut it down. SHUT IT ALL DOWN! Hockey, Football, whomever else was involved. Make an example out of them and teach them a life lesson. Decisions and consequences.
  4. UNacceptable! I would shut Armstrong down for the season. Where were the parents or other Armstrong adults? Talk about a low level class of people. The sad part….it’s just not Armstrong County or that program, it’s the world we live in today. Good sportsmanship barely exists anymore. Civility in society and respect for others is also almost non-existent.
  5. Ethics in youth sports? The lessons that some parents teach their kids these days is awful. Not all, but enough. Don’t blame the kids, it’s the parents that disappoint the most.
  6. That 07 vengeance team will be interesting to watch. The best players from last season left and went to Esmark. So the vengeance added some A Major kids from foxes and NP instead.
  7. The Rebellion?!?! What an awful name! Who are they rebelling from?
  8. I agree. Sounds like a rejected parent of a 2010 kid that got cut by vengeance to me. The squirt parents are always the most ridiculous.
  9. It’s all a money grab. PPE. Vengeance. Insert other Western PA faux AAA team name here.
  10. Even when the governor changes SW PA to YELLOW, the ice rinks appear to be still closed under the indoor recreation category. Plus, Levine said no youth sports will be permitted to GREEN. That won’t happen till maybe June or even July at this rate. it doesn’t look good for summer hockey.
  11. How elite? How do you know if a 9-year old is AA or AAA level? The 2010 vengeance team played in PAHL AA and did not do well. Well below .500. That is not competitive and they are really an A Major team at best. Of course that begs the question, if you are not successful in AA, how can you honestly call yourself AAA?
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