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Everything posted by aaaahockey

  1. Rules should always be followed. That's why I always drive 55 on the interstate around the city and never let my kids play knee hockey in a hotel. I also never eat less than 30 minutes before getting in the swimming pool, never litter, always get a building permit when I do home repairs, and never curse in front of my mother. Scouts honor!
  2. Do us all a favor and never drive anywhere ever again. Would hate for you to have an accident and kill Gramma so she misses the hockey game. Eventually, everyone in the world can't stay locked up forever. Lots of people like you want to tell me and everyone else "just a few more weeks" and guess what we've been at this for over two months - supposedly to save hospital capacity. Now even the UPMC docs are telling us to stop this idiocy. Try listening to them instead of a political back. Im glad it seems as though you have not been personally impacted financially but think of those who have. Or those suffering depression, suicide, and substance abuse. Or domestic and sexial violence with no way to escape their home situations. Or unable to seek proper medical care for other conditions. Or unable to exercise and accruing heart disease and other diseases. Until you (or even the governor for gods sake) are willing to give real metrics for opening up, you are simply whining that others are back to living life.
  3. Minding your own business seems hard these days
  4. Honestly, and I've never noticed this on the past so hopefully I'm wrong, but this entire thread stinks of "my kid didn't get invited I'm jealous" or at a minimum "I'm terrified in my house and jealous other people aren't". Let kids play sports and get some exercise. Save the liability bull$ for people who care.
  5. A lot of this depends on what age group the kids are and what area of Pittsburgh you live in. Even within organizations there is a lot of variation from level to level and coach to coach.
  6. WTAE Pittsburgh: Pennsylvania working to pave the return of sporting events. https://www.wtae.com/article/pennsylvania-drafting-guidelines-to-pave-return-of-sports/32619277
  7. People under 42 have had it just not died from it. Average age of deaths is somewhere in the 80s. 42 is youngest to die. That being said - good points made here about how long we expect to keep things locked down. We can't hide forever and the governor gives us no clear scientific methods or data on what colors mean or how to change.
  8. Is "PPE" buying ice at the rink or are some dad's whose kids play PPE buying ice at the rink? I'd be shocked if a dime of PPE organization money can be traced to purchasing ice somewhere. Especially since they never had tryouts.
  9. Oh good to know. I guess if you leave both messages up you can have your cake and eat it too.
  10. The rink posted they were reopening following CDC guidelines on their own website. I don't think it is a secret now.
  11. I was being tongue in cheek. Everything goes back to normal when we realize people aren't dropping dead in the streets like Walking Dead in Georgia.
  12. I posted this in the other thread, but models aside, Georgia's 14 day average is going down and they, today, have the least hospitalizations and vents being used since the beginning of April, despite having reopened. Unfortunately the virus likely ripped through the nursing homes early and hit the most vulnerable quickly.
  13. In good news, Georgia has the least hospitalized and least on vents since April 8. If that trend continues we should be golden by mid summer.
  14. In my opinion, if states who are actually opening up like Georgia and Alaska and Texas don't see massive deaths, there is no way our governor can keep things closed 10-12 more weeks. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say maybe 3-4 weeks if the "curves are flattened" where things are opening up.
  15. I think he could, at a minimum, get credit for actual ice lessons when things open back up. I think this post is probably a bit unfair based on what I know of the National Elite guys.
  16. If they slap a Pens logo on the middle of the ice I'm sure signups would go through the roof.
  17. I think a good point is, rinks that don't solely rely on sports to make their money or are publicly owned (Bethel YMCA, Lebo, Morgantown, Beaver) may decide not to bring ice back until a vaccine is ready. I've heard rumors the Y doesn't even want the ice so this is as good an excuse as any to get rid of it.
  18. In general, many AAA families especially at younger ages, are out of touch with reality. I'd be shocked if they didn't travel unless there are specific regulations about it.
  19. I don't think it would be a bad idea to take down the ice and get a fresh surface if you have over a month to do it. Why keep paying to freeze something no one is allowed to use?
  20. https://mailchi.mp/1ea3359ca588/train-at-home-with-tyler-kennedy TK doing trainings via Zoom
  21. Are any ice rinks still open? Even ice castle had a sign that says closed although a few cars out there I figured they were doing private lessons.
  22. What is wrong with asking to get them rescheduled? We all going to die before June and can't just find a time later in the year to let the kids play? I would get your question if the petition was asking for them to move forward as is but it is asking to reschedule.
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