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fafa fohi

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Everything posted by fafa fohi

  1. That may be true, however Baierl and Neville are located in communities that are “Democrat central” yet those rinks are open with 5/5, full benches and spectators. My point is he makes it political when it fits his agenda, and I find it comical him and others not acknowledging what Wolf did in reversing his position when all Benji-Danner did was bash him on this and other threads for months.
  2. “That community is Democrat central, I would not be surprised.”........So effing what, Benji? You keep up with the political bullshit only when it’s convenient for you. The sport is moving forward here in PA and not a word from you on Wolfie changing his position on inside gatherings? The last time I checked, things look back to normal for youth hockey, but contrary to your constant ramblings that nothing would start until November or worse, next year. Could it be you were wrong yet again? And I quote - “Expect info from PIHL at the end of October.” Tell that to the PIHL teams that played 5 on 5 this evening with full benches and spectators.
  3. Sorry I’m working from an iPad in a hotel bar in Memphis and have tipped a couple so the vids are out of order. Here is the middle part. IMG_0360.MOV
  4. The video is too long to post in one piece, so I will post in in three separate files. IMG_0358.MOV
  5. @TourneyGuy Can you verify season fee cost of $4,800 is for each player or for an entire team.......
  6. And lets keep things in perspective here........it was a freaking D league game at close to midnight where many of the players were going to slam a 12'er in the parking lot after the game because they are not trying to relive their high school glory years and are just out there for some fun, competitive activity on the ice away from work and the kids.
  7. I had to edit down the original video I wanted to post which was over a minute because it would not allow me to post a video that size. Go to LiveBarn and watch the whole thing.
  8. Looks like a D-league hack that lost it. It’s Probie wannabe asswipes like this along with midnight ice slots was why I quit playing in adult leagues. IMG_2416.MOV
  9. So Wolf gets crucified for having a 25 person limit here on this thread for months. He has now changed his stance on this with a solution I think everyone can live with and is still getting grief.......dude just can't win. Maybe the date of this Friday as being the day things are loosened up was done to allow rinks to instill the protocols needed to adhere to the new regulations. How will they track headcount coming and going into the rink, where hand sanitizers are to be placed, which rows in the stands need to be labeled as areas people cannot sit, etc. You cannot go from one extreme to another just by flicking a switch. We have gone this far, what's a few more days? It could be worse - you could live in Ontario or parts of Quebec and play zero games with practices where players must stay at least six feet apart from each other ( yes, no contact at practices ). We have had a lot of naysayers here stating PIHL would not start up until November with Varsity beginning in January because of the big, bad Wolf........maybe, just maybe the self-proclaimed geniuses were actually wrong? Nah, not possible because Wolfie would never reverse his opinion or direction on this.
  10. No youth hockey games are being played in Ontario or Quebec right now. Don’t know about the other provinces or Maritimes.
  11. We think we have it bad here? Be thankful you don't live in Quebec. And I am told Ontario may be next if case counts do not subside. https://globalnews.ca/news/7363360/quebec-coronavirus-red-alert-montreal/
  12. NY teams are still traveling out of state for games and tournaments. No home games to my knowledge. Local PAHL teams have been traveling to OH, VA for tournaments.
  13. Any word on non-parent spectators being allowed into UPMC to watch the games?
  14. I've been right on many things on numerous threads, Benji. I just don't claim my opinion on something is fact unlike you. With respect to this thread, I was right in saying Senator Williams supported the bill. I was right Democrats supported this bill while you said it was partisan. Do you know what partisan means? Speaking of partisan party politics, Senators McConnell and Graham are now saying.........nah, no need to go into that here. Will save it for a political thread somewhere else. Lastly, your numerous mentions / quotes from me are starting to creep me out. Take your victory lap, look in amazement at yourself as you are standing in front of the mirror while marveling how much of a self-proclaimed genius you are, and just let it go. Being in your vortex is boring.
  15. Benji Danner is wrong about something? You mean he did not do his research to find out Lindsey Williams is a state senator, even though I have mentioned this numerous times on this thread along with providing her actual response to my inquiry with her support of this bill on this very thread? Not a chance. Must be a typo.
  16. Hey Benji - what I did see coming and predicted weeks ago on this thread was you slobbering all over yourself with "I told you so." Remember that, Biff?
  17. You have some major anger issues, Ed. This forum is about civil debate and people are allowed to have and express opinions that may be different from yours. Debate is healthy and my opinions on many issues related to this outbreak have changed over time, especially when it comes to the sport of hockey. I am in line with your thinking on this topic far more than I am with @Quinlan2020 I have disagreed big time with many members of this thread and I admit, I am a stubborn guy and my stubbornness sometimes gets the best of me. But for you to "hope you and your family feel the same pain as others by having their lives destroyed by others for nothing more than political gain" is downright vile.
  18. Do a Google search on Trump's approval rating on his handling of COVID. You will find polls from multiple news sources confirming my point. You dispute what I provided while providing zero proof to counter. Shocking. If you took the time to read the article, you would have found The Hill was simply reporting the results of the poll. They weren't the ones that conducted it. Please don't be so lazy next time before posting.
  19. Sorry but this is a load of crap. Wolf mishandling this does not define the Democratic Party nor serve as their litmus test. You are calling this episode a circus? What in the hell would you call the last 3 1/2 years? Your comment of Wolf “converting Democrats to Republicans in hoards” is a joke. As a Democrat that believed Wolf failed miserably in his handling of the outbreak, I don’t know of a single Dem changing parties because of his missteps. 65% of the voting public polled this week say Trump and his task force mishandled the outbreak. Get real. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/516180-almost-2-in-3-americans-disapprove-of-trumps-handling-of-pandemic
  20. Interesting you pointing out what you saw for a "private rental." Is this different than what NP or the high schools such as NA or Seneca have been doing? Are those teams sharing ice or having full ice practices to stay under the 25 person limit? And if so why are more skaters being allowed for private rentals?
  21. And that is exactly how leadership in this state has failed miserably by not having a succession plan of any kind.
  22. That is not what I said. When states were asking for PPE, ventilators, gowns, etc. Trump said and I am paraphrasing here - "Obama raided the national stockpile on these items and did not replenish appropriately" when in fact Trump had been in office for over three years, disbanded the pandemic response team that was established during the Obama administration and lied about not having a pandemic guide left for them when he left office. Press Sec. McEnany then showcased what the Pence task force had assembled while showing the actual binder left behind by the prior administration. Trump promised back in early April "anyone that wants a test can get a test" which was a lie, and X amount of tests per day / week would be done when in fact, we never met those numbers until mid June. I am not here to get back into this political babble, but truths are truths as everyone has been here bashing everything and anything pertaining to Democrats and their leadership. There are good and bad politicians within both parties and no political party has a mandate on being corrupt or misinformed. And yes, I am a Democrat and I feel Wolf has poorly led us through this pandemic to the point where I would never vote for him again for any public office. He has failed in his response to the pandemic, and so has Trump. Just my opinion.
  23. You are incorrect. "Dem states" such as NY, MI, MA, NJ, CA all wanted federal assistance and never said "no thanks," particularly in PPE and testing. Trump played the political game by saying they were on their own because they were not nice to him ( with exception to CA Governor Newsome ), yet red states such as KY, FL, the Carolina's had no issues getting federal support.
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