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Everything posted by aaaahockey

  1. Not from the folks I have spoken to. I'm not on a board so everything I say is anecdotal but people seem to think Mt. Lebanon, Rink Rats, SHAHA, and Preds numbers are up from everyone I've spoken with.
  2. Anomaly, I'm assuming your kid played on one of the black teams and they are one of my chief complaints about Pens. Actually I've not experienced it personally but heard others who have and it's been atrocious. My biggest beef is they siphon away players who would be great AA or A Major 1 PAHL players and let us be more competitive especially at the peewee and up ages. I'm glad to see they are not going to have those joke teams anymore.
  3. Names of the schools put on hold (other than South Fayette varsity that took a two week precautionary break)? I know a few south hills organizations had the largest numbers for tryouts at certain age groups they have had in a long time. I guess I can't speak across the board for all their ages but I know several had larger than usual numbers and had to make lots of cuts at the bantam and peewee levels.
  4. I've still not heard any kids not playing hockey right now. What am I missing?
  5. Just as follow-up - I went to the Pens website and looked at 15u, 07, and 09. All three of those teams have regular practices scheduled and on the calendar. Also, the 09 has their very first game scheduled against the Vengeance. Guess not much is reliable here.
  6. If numerous kids tested positive for Covid, they would be contacted by the local health department and asked to contact trace. Unless someone is suggesting the AD told them to lie to the health department (which I find very hard to believe and would open everyone involved up to much more liability than just taking a two week pause for a team) I don't see much of a "cover up" going on.
  7. I don't get tired of the PPE bashing but I would like more clarity on what is going on up there. Probably 20 different stories just in this one thread.
  8. Any games at UPMC or any games period? They have been moving forward with scheduling games (boys and girls).
  9. What bothers me the most about the article, which as you point out is poorly written, is that it keeps saying "contact sports" are the risk when it looks like everyone who tested was on the same team. Sounds like partying in the hotel or riding a bus together more than the sport itself or why wouldn't other teams have gotten it?
  10. Wow I took a break for a couple weeks and came back to people (with an exception) being much more sensible! Kudos
  11. Yeah Republicans are hoping for one in October and Democrats in January.
  12. Good or bad, we will likely have a new president incentivized to make everyone think things are improving and a mass media designed to boost that opinion.
  13. https://tribhssn.triblive.com/if-piaa-shuts-down-aau-teams-other-private-programs-could-flourish/
  14. So Uniontown cancelled football and soccer and that makes your statement "youth sports will not happen in any form" correct? I think you are going to have to define what you mean a little more - school sports, football, outdoor sports, indoor sports? Because your statement that I responded to is already wrong. Sports are happening in a form. That also includes flag football that is currently being played in the Pittsburgh region among youth of all ages. But I guess if you wanna shift your sentence away from "youth sports will not happen in any form" you can find a way to make yourself right.
  15. Like I said "sports will happen. What form they take might differ"
  16. Well tell that to all the baseball and lacrosse tournaments going on every weekend. Plus all the summer hockey leagues that have been going on for months. Sports will happen. What form they take may differ.
  17. Yes. County health department said the same thing. The chart backs this up. Unfortunately jails and nursing homes are getting hit badly again. They said 80 of the cases announced today we're nursing homes. 30 were just backlog cases from a while back that somehow never got announced.
  18. https://triblive.com/local/pittsburgh-allegheny/allegheny-county-data-shows-parties-becoming-a-growing-source-of-coronavirus/ Sports specifically listed.
  19. I have a lot of suggestions as to where the most likely infection spot was. Some of them aren't family friendly.
  20. Was this your first post? I'm starting to think we need to crack down on alts
  21. The MLB outbreak is rumored to have been players going out and partying together per an espn report.
  22. https://tribhssn.triblive.com/piaa-approves-detailed-covid-19-guidelines-for-fall-sports/
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