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Everything posted by aaaahockey

  1. Honestly if kids would catch it taking a faceoff we would all have caught it by now. Locker room? Maybe. Faceoffs? Nope.
  2. https://amp.yorkdispatch.com/amp/5525085002
  3. I dunno it's weird. Lacrosse definitely never seems to be that way, parents are 99.9% happy and cheer for the team. Even individualized sports like wrestling and youth boxing ive seen more collegial environments. Baseball can vary but I'd say across the board nothing I've experienced comes close to the parent idiocy in hockey.
  4. Unfortunately, and it isn't always the case, often hockey parents even on the same teams breed jealousy of each other and instead of cheering for a team default to cheering for their own kid, worried about them losing a spot on the team the next year or not looking as good as the best kid on the team. This often comes from parents with little knowledge of the sport or who learned about it from mite hockey and think scoring 200 goals is the way to be the best player on the ice. Hell with defense or passing or over carrying the puck. Also doesn't matter if you lose as long as your kid scored the hat trick. Add to that environment another team who likely has a chip on their shoulder and you get a powder keg. It gets ugly - grown men yelling about and at children, fist fights in the stands, drunken idiots. Yeah - I won't miss much about being at the rink if I can't go.
  5. I for one am looking forward to having an excuse for watching games on livebarn rather than standing around obnoxious individuals. If I had mite or squirt age kids I'd be even happier.
  6. Agreed. Stick to local hockey this year and followup with the ACHA teams regularly.
  7. My God Danner and I agree again. Here is a food link for you the comments are important.
  8. Not to mention all the people out there who think it's their job to police and report "violators". They probably overwhelm the health department with minor complaints and major violators never get caught.
  9. Hockey is happening right now as pointed out by several people. Unless someone other than Danner does the contact tracing to hockey the health department isn't going to shut it down. If organizations choose to do it for their own liability purposes other avenues of playing hockey will open up.
  10. Yep agree with you completely on this. Also those rules have been updated a bit since I last looked thanks for sharing! Also brings up a good point - how much are these actually communicated? I know restaurants have heard very little from the health department directly. They rely on the news.
  11. I think this may be true, but sports are also a bit of a gray area. I think you (and they) are assuming hockey practices are "gatherings" and limiting them to less than 25. I think the other rinks can also argue it is more like a restaurant situation (or even other sports) and indoor capacity should be limited to 25% of the fire marshall capacity. Bethel Park school district proactively banned all fans for indoor sports the entire year. I'm hoping at some point the state health department clarifies and allows indoor events to be modified in all cases to 25% capacity. I think that's an obvious solution in a large building.
  12. The organizations that use the rink don't have any decision on the fan side, it's a YMCA decision so it isn't to hide the practices. Im sure coaches didn't mind not having a bunch of parents watching tryouts and complaining later though.
  13. Since summer leagues are moving forward and we have not heard any evidence from the local health department that youth sports (including hockey) are driving the spread I believe we will have hockey in some form this season.
  14. Didn't they win the pens rink upgrade competition? I was curious what they were going to do to remodel.
  15. I heard there was a lot of bleedover too. Are there now vengeance teams at all age levels?
  16. He had to say something once his mission to shut down ice castle didn't work..........
  17. #10 seems about right and, in my opinion not that bad. We have decent opportunities and talent in youth hockey much of the country would be dying for.
  18. I agree there are a lot of concerns and anyone's concern can be legitimate. The bigger debate we are all having is when your concern becomes my requirement to do something and to what limits I have to do it (wear a mask, not eat in a restaurant, not play sports). Honestly I have very little if any concern about the children playing sports (or going to school for that matter) themselves. They are very unlikely to have anything near serious effects of coronavirus and in their age group it might be even less risky than playing during flu season (which I believe kills children at a higher rate than coronavirus depending on what strain of flu). I can understand people, especially with pre-existing conditions or compromised immune systems (and generally old) worried about kids bringing it home to them although I believe some of those concerns are overplayed as well.
  19. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/faq.html Scroll down to transmission and "when is someone contagious?" You will see the exact quote I told you came from the CDC a couple days ago: "There are reports of asymptomatic infections (detection of virus with no development of symptoms) and pre-symptomatic infections (detection of virus prior to development of symptoms) with SARS-CoV-2, but their role in transmission is not yet known." - CDC We don't have enough information regardless of what he said or she said or ABC said. Note the study you linked there was a "mathematical model" not a real study of real people. The WHO is on the same page as the CDC and has actually gone as far as to say "rarely".
  20. 1 of them really can't social distance as part of their job. He does wear a mask but I think that's mostly work protocol. The child is too young to make her own choices about it really. The other two adults I'd say social distance and wear masks out in public but definitely not around other people who are comfortable around them.
  21. Bingo plus we are forgetting everything we know about how to keep kids healthy mentally, physically, and socially.
  22. I'm not sure it's widespread enough that people on this board have actually had it. I personally know four individuals (3 adults and 1 child) who have had it according to test results. The child had no symptoms whatsoever. All three adults had extremely minor symptoms (the worst lost her appetite for a few days and felt like she had the flu for about 4 days). None had any lasting effects.
  23. Woooosh. The point just flew over your head. I think you need to go back and read my other posts. I wear a mask when appropriate and socially distance myself. The comparison there was between a politician who says that matters but then does whatever the hell he wants (Wolf) and a politician who says it doesn't matter and does whatever the hell he wants (Trump). Seems like one is following what they actually say out loud. Both are/could be wrong here (in my opinion the likeliest case). You are also the one who, when I put a direct quote from the CDC website, said you would trust experts when I would not. I let it go at the time, returning to it now because you like throwing the science word around so much. So I'm not sure what else to say.
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