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Everything posted by Lifelongbender

  1. Some discussion of this over on the "Tryouts?" topic, too.
  2. LOL, I logged on here specifically to post this, but you beat me to it. I can hear the complaining by parents whose kids play there after this is all over. Neither of my kids have played there in over 7 years, but there are games there. What a situation!
  3. There are plenty of tournament companies still scheduling late summer and early fall tournaments as well.
  4. T The western PA region can hardly afford to lose any ice, but that does seem like a VERY likely outcome of this situation. Hopefully someone comes along who wants to buy them out, but it sure seems like investors for ice arenas are few and far between. There were already a slew of rumors of rinks closing or struggling as it was. I expect that 'eradication' is a strong word for what is coming - I feel strongly that parents and players are too invested and dedicated to their sports for that - but you can bet that the new normal will be both smaller and weirder than what we had going on before. I worry if some organizations will have trouble getting ice in the coming new normal.
  5. Well, what I think is clear is that if hockey happens, there are PLENTY of people who will let their kids play. Even travel. That's just the way of the world.
  6. Remember that all the rinks are taking out their ice. Even if we could start in May, it would take a little time to get ready to play those games. Sadly this PIHL season has to be considered over, even if they're not officially cancelling anything.
  7. That's consistent with what I'm hearing from organizations around the South Hills.
  8. I agree with @PeterThePuck on his last two sentences here - this is why I do think that organizations will follow USA Hockey recommendations. At any rate, now that they've made recommendations, I guess we will see who is right about this issue eventually.
  9. Hey, this is off-topic, I know, but they played game 4 of the 2009 Stanley Cup series against Detroit on SportsNet the other day, and TK looked pretty good in that series. Anyone remember the goal he had in the second of game 4 from Kunitz and Crosby? Lord almighty. I'd forgotten about that play.
  10. Yeah, it's hard to see how HS hockey could restart now. I've heard rumors that some of the rinks have taken out, or are taking out, their ice. Anyone know if there is any truth to that?
  11. I'm sorry to hear that. I can only speak for the ones my kid went to, which he was personally there for, and the mandatory coaches checking clinic I went to when I started coaching bantams a few years back, which he ran personally, and which was better than what I expected. I thought those were good sessions. I'd be disappointed, too, if I had those experiences. I'm nearer to where he is, though. Might be that he's more likely to come out himself down this way.
  12. Well, however he may have practiced as a player, his on-ice sessions are pretty good. I haven't watched his off-ice videos, though. I'd guess they are pretty good.
  13. There's a remarkable article on The Athletic (sadly, a pay site) about a small number of the things that made Mario great. The video cuts are worth reading the whole article. I don't normally think posting this sort of thing here is right, but in a spring with no hockey, this article is a breath of much needed oxygen. https://theathletic.com/1685688/2020/03/19/marshall-the-tape-on-what-made-mario-lemieux-le-magnifique/
  14. Perhaps I was unclear, if you sincerely thought that first sentence was what I meant. Those two sentences are not mutually exclusive. From a regulatory standpoint, the government is making at large decisions about businesses being closed and gatherings being restricted. At the same time, I do think that, like virtually all companies and organizations in the US, USA Hockey is setting their own official policies, in addition to those of the Federal and State authorities. In general, those policies are probably based upon, or actually nothing more than references to, government policies. I am entirely unsure what would happen if, for some reason, the government said it was OK to resume normal living and USA Hockey still wanted people to hold off on hockey operations. It's not clear to me what effect a USA Hockey policy would have in this case. Since the organizations rely upon USA Hockey for collective insurance, they may have more influence on organized hockey operations than expected. The assertion made above that the purpose of insurance provided by USA Hockey is to protect USA Hockey is only partially true; the insurance makes it much less expensive (and, perhaps in some cases, is the only thing that makes it possible) for local organizations to have insurance to protect the local organizations, and to protect the rinks. Without the insurance provided by USA Hockey, it's likely that many organizations would not be able to afford insurance in order to have operations. This is all academic, anyway, because I strongly doubt that USA Hockey would adopt a policy that was at odds with a government policy. In the case of complying with a government policy, that is its own built-in defense in a court room (which could be either weak or strong, depending upon the issue and the case, and the locality).
  15. Obviously I don't agree with all of this, but the final truth is that we will see what happens. It's easy for any of us - myself included - to make predictions we will ultimately not be held up to scrutiny for.
  16. You just can't have tryouts, or any other events, in the face of a set of best practices prepared by the governing body. This is for both liability and optics reasons. Nobody will hold tryouts if USA Hockey tells us not to.
  17. That's an interesting take, @sadday4hockey. I hadn't considered the financial component of the current crisis in my model. I don't think it changes how tryouts will work, though. On the other hand, there is probably an interesting discussion to be had on the potential effects of the COV-19 situation on hockey in the region in general, assuming that it continues to be an issue for any significant period of time. Surely there will be financial effects in everyday lives over time. That was a very interesting answer.
  18. Since this is exactly how organizations schedule normally, this seems the most likely outcome this time too.
  19. Honestly, and sincerely, that's great. That's probably how it should be. I'm not an expert on other organizations, but in my organization the top teams are, in general, pretty much set (maybe needing to add a player or two) LONG before tryouts. I'd guess that's true of others, too.
  20. This is surely 100% true. Well, yes, assuming that the ice is available. Many rinks have already contracted out their ice for the summer nearly completely. This is a challenge. It's not an easy situation, sadly.
  21. This as been on my mind. One assumes that contingency plans have to be in place (though the way that most organizations work, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that most of them don't have a plan at all). I know I have been talking to people about this at our organization. My kids are scheduled to tryout in mid April, and their tryouts begin just at the outside edge of most closures. It's certainly interesting times.
  22. They told my son's JV team that it was postponed. Honestly I suspect cancelled anyway.
  23. I agree. Whether or not they are the same person, one thing is clear: it's not worth feeding their fire by responding to them just to argue about who is a parent on a team. They both say things worth debating from time to time, but in the end those discussions seem to always turn to accusations that the other party in the discussion is a parent on the team, as if that is somehow sufficient to invalidate whatever that person may be saying. I'd love to debate hockey topics here, and not have to spend time arguing about whose kid plays on what teams. That's not worth discussing, except where it has an actual bearing on a conversation rather than merely being intended to somehow belittle a parent. For the record, my kids don't play for ANY of these organizations, and are both A players. I enjoy this discussion board when there are useful discussions about hockey and related topics. I don't see how arguments about who has the bigger stick are useful. It's best to just ignore the boorish behavior (when it happens, and from anyone) rather than giving the guys who post that stuff what they want: attention. Just my $0.02.
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