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Everything posted by dazedandconfused

  1. The number of "vicariously living through their children" parents has increased exponentially in hockey over the last 10 years. Coinciding with the launching of?
  2. Why in the world would you want 20 players at the 12U and 14U ages? Or any age group for that matter? These teams play 3 games total........ 1 each day. Fatigue can't be a factor. Wait....... I know, the more players we can roster........ the more fees we can collect and since our costs are fixed we'll pocket more geld
  3. I'll give everyone 1 guess as to what team Hockeyguy, kid31005 and LOLya's kids all play for. I mean, come on folks........ you can't think we're that stupid? We may be idiots, but not stupid.
  4. Johnny Majors didn't successfully recruit Tony Dorsett with his "Southern Hospitality and a glass of Sweet tea".
  5. Can we get back to the original question? No one has really actually answered it.
  6. It's been rumored for years about a 2nd sheet at Printscape. It's going to be costly regardless but I've also heard there might be some sort of groundwater issue that would need dealt with first. I can't figure out how they and SHAHA are able to operate so many teams on one sheet so I'm sure it would be filled instantly if it happens.
  7. Newbie, has there ever been one of these? At any age group? Is there any team of theirs who has actually finished the season ranked above 50 in AAA?
  8. I really do hate to say this because that was one of the few rinks around when I was a kid, but they probably should have taken the roof collapse as a sign and razed it back then. What a scary, scary day and how fortunate was it that no one was injured? Love the Hockey Gods.
  9. If you take them, you should actually believe you can and be committed to developing them over the course of a whole season. Otherwise, cut them loose even though mama will never be able to accept it. Playing as a Top Dog is usually a much better path for development than being completely over-matched.
  10. They only folded it last year because it wasn't his team. This year, he was not going to be denied and that team will only be as good as whatever imports he can bring in. The local nucleus is......... well, not good. As far as honesty? No way, he'll sell an AMajor family on playing if he can get the fee and only then will be honest about their actual talent while they sit the bench for an entire season or until they quit.
  11. I just can't see that happening. There's no way they convince enough to "settle" for the 2nd team. These parents just will not accept such a horrendous disservice done their future meal ticket.
  12. So did they even have tryouts at Vipers for 10U and 12U? Or did Posey scrape the last of their players in order to fill his "AA" teams?

  13. Not trying to restart the previous urination contest but doesn't it seem odd that the Vipers haven't listed any tryout results for their 10U and 12U that ended on the 11th?
  14. "Tied in" is a great way to phrase it. He was tied in at 25K per year for selling out the Hornets (fact, just look up their 990 report) so what I'm guessing is the 10 years and 250K threshold has been reached so no more tie in. Pure speculation here, but the signs are everywhere.
  15. If PAHL deems you to not be qualified for AA, then there's a 99.75% likelihood that you should not be entering AA tournaments. Case in point, the 16U team. Not AA. Not in PAHL's evaluation, not as far as the results against local teams provide and certainly not by what MHR says. You can call yourself whatever you want and this is in no sense unique to this team or organization but regardless of what you call yourself, the skill level and quality of team play of the players make that determination.
  16. Viper Stars teams come with the Posey tax.
  17. Tier 1 update - Both PPE at-large (aka charity) bids sitting at 0-2 already.
  18. Allegheny and SCIR both have legitimate shots at making it through to the playoff round. Armstrong will need to play their very best to move through but hey, the Foxes were a top 5 and didn't make it past them so you never know.
  19. Is it better to tell them they aren't coming back or collecting their tryout money and then sending them packing? Maybe?
  20. USA Hockey and MidAm only care if it affects their pocket books. Otherwise, see something? Do nothing.
  21. Here is an opportunity for everyone to look at this and take some factual data to make that decision. The Vengeance began their youth movement with the 08 group. That was the 1st and maybe really the only age group where PPE took a substantial hit right out of the gate as far as getting say 90% of players they would have wanted. That's 5 years of data from the rankings and over that time the rankings have almost become an inversion of 5 years ago. What does this say about the differing approaches that have been used? I'll hang up and listen for your answer.
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