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Everything posted by aaaahockey

  1. Not that I agree or disagree but could you elaborate?
  2. Did the new thread disappoint?;; Still just the mask at Lebo and that's it?
  3. Most of the time these rules fade from play after a few months.
  4. I've seen multiple games already be curfewed in part due to the extra stoppages.
  5. Even though I agree this isn't an NCAA football town, that program probably has a much higher profit margin.
  6. You can't make this stuff up. Next year they will start the "Doodle Bug Elite" program for only the best 5 year olds
  7. Did Rostraver roof collapse twice? I was thinking it happened again ~2015ish a year or two before the Kraft thing. Then again Covid lockdown and ensuing craziness has made my sense of time distorted so maybe not.
  8. Does this match the dreaded myhockeyrankings placements?
  9. If skills coaches are being pushed out there must be plenty of demand for ice at the price they are asking?
  10. So far Lebo is still the only place I know of with anything.
  11. There really isn't much of a path out of this now. The goalpost has been moved out of the stadium so I'm expecting we either buckle down and live as normally as possible with some risk like we do with everything else in life or we will be having interruptions to hockey season for the rest of our lives. Vaccines help but both sides now admit that we are still getting a lot of breakthroughs and even enough to hospitalize people and that a variant will likely come along even more resistant to vaccines. Not sure that anyone has a good long term goal now to get hockey back to a normal season without interruptions.
  12. I agree about the banned part at least for some period of time. With the organization part that is tougher - if their response was cutting the kids and telling them they couldn't play for the organization anymore I don't see the point. You can't sue an organization for something outside their control assuming they took action as soon as told. If we are dealing with a Sandusky type cover up....then I agree totally - Penn State should have been sued out of existence.
  13. RMU was pretty strict as well. Haven't heard anything about the Y or RMU yet though.
  14. That's interesting. I know in the past sometimes it is harder to find goalies for teams after team 2 or so. Also it can be difficult when you take two goalies per team (that dries them up pretty quick)
  15. They poached a goalie after tryouts? After the family committed to Vengeance? Lots of issues.
  16. That's really odd especially at the squirt level. The others you could probably guestimate who was playing where based on last year.
  17. Give up on Fahi. He's convinced you either agree with him or you are part of the Capitol invasion. No middle ground as evidenced by his meltdown on both this thread and against me calling out wasteful spending. If he wants to focus on mask wearing (in and of itself extremely damaging especially among younger children) and not even discuss the impact of school closures then no one can help him.
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