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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2020 in Posts

  1. Bacteria infections from wearing a mask too long? It’s been proven? If you’re going to make that claim, provide a reputable source please. It’s interesting how healthcare workers have survived all these years from the bacterial infections.
    3 points
  2. @Danner27, you do realize that your post there is an argument for not playing hockey at all, and no, in fact, an argument for not wearing masks while playing, right? I mean you do realize that is how the government would respond to that? I have to assume it's your position that hockey should be shut down, then. I respectfully disagree. As long as they're allowed to, my kids will want to keep playing, mask or no mask, and I'd bet that almost every player in the region will take that same position. Once the enforcement effort is clear it will level out.
    2 points
  3. I expect it to get shut down no matter what, but mask compliance will be one of the stated reasons when it does.
    2 points
  4. Honestly it's becoming so tiresome to read posts on this board that its value as a discussion forum is practically nil.
    2 points
  5. Fafa and Quinlan are well-known Snowflakes. They are more than happy to be told what to do by everyone. Politicians, spouses, children, Uber drivers....... the list goes on and on and on
    2 points
  6. Masks aren’t required on the ice anymore for PAHL. There was an addendum added to the policy. Just on the bench and off the ice.
    1 point
  7. Confess? He will double-down. That's the tone that has been set by his cult leader. Never confess, never apologize & accuse others of what you are guilty of.
    1 point
  8. How do I say this politely........you are full of shit. I was there, kid. Played and saw games at Victory, Artic Edge / Coliseum and Novi rinks. All players were wearing masks. Is it now time to confess that you weren’t there?
    1 point
  9. They must have been COMPLETELY different, or you are just lying to support your narrative.
    1 point
  10. Luckily, all the workers doing hard, dirty jobs in hot environments through the years, while wearing masks, don't sweat.
    1 point
  11. Detroit recently hosted AAA and AA teams at various rinks for the CCM event where all players had to wear masks on the ice. To my knowledge, nobody from that or other events has died from it nor suffered from “bacterial infections” because of a wet mask. My son said this new policy “sucks” but if it means playing vs not playing he will comply so he can play. It could be worse - there are states where teams are completely shut down games for playing games in their home areas and are not permitted to travel at all.
    1 point
  12. How does this apply to indoor hockey rinks?
    1 point
  13. PSAC sports practices cannot be held when it is raining due to the ineffectiveness of masks when wet.
    1 point
  14. I guess I expect that this mask thing, like everything else, will work itself out after a few weeks of playing under it (assuming we get a few weeks of playing), but this is a fair question. It's likely that enforcement of the mask mandate will vary widely between teams. How do you force your players to play at a disadvantage if the other team has a large number of players not wearing masks, medical excuse or not? I really think this will turn out to be no big deal, like it did in Michigan, but there are concerns. Hopefully coaches will try to comply.
    1 point
  15. That would make for some interesting reading, Benji. Can you post a link supporting your claim that hockey players will be getting bacterial infections for wearing a "wet mask?" Doctors and nurses wear masks for 8-12 hr shifts, a tad more than hockey players do in a 75 minute ice slot. But I am open minded and look forward to reading more about this.
    1 point
  16. In Michigan this year....kids wore them as extra chin straps, just to have them "on"
    1 point
  17. Likely--it is going to be difficult enough trying to communicate with players. Since it is not a USA Hockey rule, the responsibility lies with the organizations. Many officials have decided not to skate because of the mask mandate.
    1 point
  18. Officials will not be addressing masks at all. It is up to the associations, coaches, team managers, and players. If someone does not have a mask on, we will not say a word; the opposing team/organization can then reach out to the league.
    1 point
  19. I can't wait until January 20th when the Dems will be madder than the day that the Republicans freed their slaves.
    1 point
  20. Hey, I'm just happy the kids are still playing. Masks are an inconvenience but if that's what it takes to make the government happy then so be it. All I have to say is if masks were so effective then the spread should be less than March and April when no one was wearing masks. I just think this latest wave doesn't make sense on soo many levels. JUST MY TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED OPINION.
    1 point
  21. To be clear, this is a moral and, for many of us, a legal duty.
    1 point
  22. Unbelievable. Also, why your kid and his safety need to be YOUR responsibility, not Safesport's, not USA Hockey's, not Coach Whomever's. Yours. And if you see or know something, raise hell. Whether it's your kid or someone else's.
    1 point
  23. Sucks if you are in the marching band
    1 point
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